Rodents Seek Warm, Dry Places with Food and Water Sources
When it comes to pests like rats and mice, all homeowners need to be careful. These rodents will seek our warm, dry places to inhabit once the weather outside gets cold. They will do whatever they can to enter your home and take advantage of the food and water sources you may unwittingly be providing for them.
When it comes to pests like rats and mice,

all homeowners need to be careful. These rodents will seek our warm, dry places to inhabit once the weather outside gets cold. They will do whatever they can to enter your home and take advantage of the food and water sources you may unwittingly be providing for them.
Rats and mice do not just make themselves comfortable while causing few problems. They can bring diseases along with them and contaminate your food without you even knowing about it. A more significant problem they can cause is structural damage by chewing on pieces of wood and wiring.
With this in mind, you should do whatever you can to keep them out. Rodents commonly take up residence in basements and crawlspaces. Humans do not tend to visit these areas frequently, so rats and mice can make a home for quite a while remaining undetected.
You should periodically check your entire home for signs of a rodent infestation. You may see boxes or pieces of furniture which look like they have been chewed on. If there are dusty areas in your home, then rodents will leave tracks as they navigate the area.
Even if you do not notice any signs rodents have already entered your home you should take preventative measures to ensure it stays that way. Placing bait and traps around your home is a good idea. You should especially place them in less frequented areas such as the basement or crawlspace.
Rodents can get inside your home using a tiny entrance. They only have to fit their heads through a crack or crevice so they can squeeze the rest of their bodies inside. Therefore, check all areas inside and outside of your home for any areas they can use to gain entry. It is vital for all of these areas to be repaired as soon as you notice them.
Rodents frequently get inside because vents are not screened off properly. Window screens and cracks beside windows and exterior doors also need to be checked on a frequent basis. Make sure you also pay attention to the vents outside of your attic.
When winter comes, rodents will seek warm, dry places to call home. If you provide them with food and water you will really have a problem on your hands. Make sure to keep your food supply locked up properly and ensure there are no small entrances these pests can use to enter your home.