Having a complete roofing replacement is an expensive product. It consumes your time and requires lots of leg work. Choose the right materials and you'll save hundreds, even thousands, of dollars after years of wear.
Every person who owns a home realizes that,

over time, the homeowner will be responsible for replacing the roofing. It's a daunting task, requires a lot of leg work and is a huge monetary investment. The homeowner will need the help of a professional roofing contractor.
Thanks to modern technology, homeowners have so many alternatives to the same shingles that our grandparents chose. Traditional roofs may be a thing of the past. These new and modern options will help save you on energy expenses while at the same time being better for the environment. Depending on the climate and weather in which you live, you may now have several additional options than you once had.
Traditional shingles, otherwise known as asphalt, are thin sheets made from fiberglass sheets or from organic materials that are typically covered with a grit made from ceramic type materials. Asphalt shingles are typically the most economic option with varying life spans.
Slate costs the most, but typically lasts up to 200 years. Many houses these days don't even last that long! Slate is created from thin sheets of stone that are lighter than concrete, but slightly heavier than steel.
Shake shingles are made from cedar or hardwood. Shake shingles are overlapping sections of wood that tend to last approximately 30 years. Shake shingles are mostly used during restorations or if a homeowners association calls for them.
Roofing that is metal can range from galvanized steel to interlocking metal shingles. Interlocking shingles are manufactured to last longer, even as much as 100 years with proper attention. Costs vary widely when researching metal shingles.
Membrane roofing is likely the least understood. Essentially, membrane is rubber sheeting or plastic which is welded with heat and fixed wtih adhesive or asphalt. In many cases, membrane coverings are cured with a material that is waterproof, and covered with something close to gravel to prevent sun damage. This, too, steadies temperature changes and keeps strong winds from blowing the sheeting from the home.
Green roofing is done best by using actual gardens on the top of the building. It's a bonus that you can use the elements to feed your roof, such as rain water and sunshine. Plus the green roof is natural insulation, and can be a home for wildlife. Green roofs reduce cooling and heating costs, extending the lifespan of the roof by many years. This type of roof filter pollutants from the air. Green roof coverings require a strong building structure to be supported, however, and can be extremely expensive.
Lastly, solar panels can also be installed in addition to other roof types and can tremendously lower the overall electricity usage as solar panels harness their power from the sun. You can also sell excess power back to the city in some areas. Solar panels may have an expensive start-up cost, but like slate, can pay off in the long run.
Before drastically changing the type of roof you have, check with your homeowners association to be sure you meet their requirements. The city, county or your insurance provider may also have requirements you need to meet. If necessary, apply for your special building permits before construction.
Some materials for your roof will require upkeep, so take that into consideration. A contractor will be able to best let you know what options you have, what cost you can expect, and how long the job will take from start to finish. Never be fearful of asking questions or advice from your professional contractor.