When storing your goods at a self-storage facility, it is most desirable that when you come back for them, they are as clean and dry as when you left them.
When storing your goods at a self-storage facility, it is most desirable that when you come back for them, they are as clean and dry as when you left them. It is also highly desirable that your goods are all there, and are not “missing.”
What does your storage facility do to make sure your goods are secure? It pays to ask before you store. The lowest price storage unit does not insure security any more than the highest price does. Security is a reflection of management attitude called “caring.”
Secure Self Storage – Your Checklist:
Talking with the on-site manager can give you a good idea how much they care. Visiting the storage facility will give you a much better idea of how secure it is.
1) The front line of security is customer management. Do they rent storage units to anyone, and will anyone be a good customer? Is it possible that the person who just rented did so with the idea of ripping off storage spaces? Are you the next victim? Ask the on-site manager whether they screen new customers with an application which can be the first step to ensuring your possessions are safe.
2) Second is the lock on the door of your self-storage unit. This is the first line of defense between you and any bad guy. At this time, a circular, disk lock is the best on the market for keeping your possessions secure while in storage. Some storage facilities, including our America’s Best Self Storage in Torrance, CA, provide a quality circular disk lock to all customers to secure their space.
3) Next is management vigilance. Is there someone on site watching the premises? Are regular, unscheduled walk throughs of the storage facility done to make sure everything and everyone is as it should be?
4) Is the storage facility kept clean and neat? If the storage units and common areas are not proactively managed for pests and rodents, security can be breached from critters in your stuff. No fun. Before you get a self storage space, make sure it is clean and disinfected, and ask how the management handles pest control.
5) What happens if there is a fire? The storage facility should have water sprinklers, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers installed.
Knowledge is Power—Understanding Cultural Differences
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An individual speaking in a group setting owns floor control. What most Americans do not realize is that floor control preferences are cultural and happen quite naturally. Aspects of floor control become very important to achieve a successful interaction when communicating through a video or phone conference.