Seven Tips for Hiring a Plumber on Short Notice
Do not simply hire a plumber at random. Follow these tips to carefully select the right person for the job.
If a water problem suddenly rears its ugly head in your home,
then you need to call a plumber to restore order in your home and your sanity, too. This can be a concern however, especially at a time when money is tight. It can be downright frustrating and stressful when something breaks unexpectedly.
What are some pearls of wisdom worth knowing about hiring a plumber? Here we take a look at seven helpful tips for calling in an expert repairman.
First of all, always get recommendations and references from others. Talk to your loved ones, your friends, your colleagues, neighbors and those you attend church with or any groups you are involved in. You should not have a difficult time coming up with some recommended businesses for plumbing repair and others that you should stay away from.
Secondly, when you do call up someone to repair your plumbing system, provide as many details as possible about the circumstances you find yourself in. Tell him where the leak is in your dwelling and describe to him the type of pipes you have. The more specific you can be the better it is for narrowing in on the source of the problem.
The third tip is to find out if the plumber charges for the time it takes to travel to your home. Some experts charge their customers once they arrive and walk into their homes; while others charge from the moment they get into their cars or trucks to drive to the residence. You need to know if the commute will be billed or not, as this will factor into your decision of who to hire.
The fourth tip is to find out ahead of time if the plumber will have the required parts on hand when he arrives. Will he have all of the supplies he needs or will he have to make one (or more) trips to the local hardware store? If he does need to go shopping after he shows up, will you be expected to pay for those extra trips to the store?
The fifth thing to consider is whether there will be a minimum charge for services provided. There are some contractors that charge a minimum rate to their customers (such as 30 minutes or 60 minutes) while others do not.
The sixth tip is to find out what credentials the plumber possesses. Ask the individual how long he has been employed in this line of work and ask about his training. You should also inquire if he has any accreditations. Knowing these things should play a role in the decision.
The seventh tip is to find out if the contractor has insurance and if he does, then find out how much insurance he carries. You want to hire a person who has enough insurance to cover any injuries that could take place and/or any damages that could possibly occur to your property while work is taking place.