Modern designing rules our lives and our houses. Thanks to the new design we can totally change all rooms in our houses. Even using the same accessories as we used few years ago but with new, fresh look. One of such accessories might be shower curtain that can alive and change our bathroom.
Shower curtains were very popular many, many years ago. But unfortunately the material that they were made of and their bad and sometimes creepy look almost totally threw them away from our lives. Perhaps it's a good time to bring them back, brand new and shiny.
Modern shower curtains don't look exactly the same as the one from decades. In fact they look totally different. They have very attractive look, interesting designs and can be found in all kinds of colours that you can imagine. They can easily match other elements of bathroom, can be easily cleaned and if you want to - easily replaced with another one.
There are also people who don't like that kind of solution to cover their showers. They would rather choose a bathroom-machine which is made of glass and may better cover the area that we don't want to wet. They are also stylish and modern. But from the other site they are not easy to clean and can't be changed too often. And those are qualities of shower curtains.
When we don't have a concept what kind of shower curtain choose we can decide on such in one colour. Or on type which has upper part transparent, it gives us a possibility to look who is coming into the bathroom. And we can also see who is under the shower. It's a very practical type of shower curtain.
Interesting solution is also shower curtain with organizer. The curtain has a sort of pockets that we can full with our cosmetics and all kinds of other stuff. Very smart and practical idea might be also putting a shower curtain with periodic table which can bring us respect of our friends and could be sort of a funny element in our bathroom.
We can also choose something more scary, a design almost like from a horror movie. If you remember a Hitchcock movie "Psychosis" you can imagine a woman with a knife that is almost reaching you while you are under the shower. If you aren't afraid of such image you can have it on you shower curtain. Similar shower curtain might be the one with image 'after the crime. Scary, isn't?
Shower curtains are very practical and modern these days. We can match them with our floor covering and rugs and make a whole composition of it, a kind of bath mat set. If we will choose the same design on the vertical part of our bathroom and horizontal we can make an illusion that our bathroom is also much bigger then it looked before.
As you can see, shower curtain should appear on our must have list.
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