Stair Lift Installation - Quick Guide
This article gives a quick overview of what to expect during a stair lift installation. It also explains the difference between a straight and curved stair lift.
This mechanism is reliant on rails or a track on which it runs on. Chains are used to bring the seat up or down the installed tracks. There are two tracks usually installed on one side of the staircase,

usually the one closest to the wall. Other points to consider for stair lift installation are the length of the staircase, which should correspond with the length of the track, and the type of seat or platform ordered by the user.
What to Look Out For
The length of the rail is one of the important things that the installers should take note of. Manufacturers and those in charge of stair lift installation processes should be aware of the stairway's length before they even install the device. Do-it-yourself mobility products should be measured properly to ensure that the user will not have any problems afterwards. There may be some difficulty returning rails or tracks of the wrong length especially if they are shorter than expected. Longer ones can be shortened.
The stair lift installation should start with the laying of the tracks. The lower track is the first to be laid. Brackets are used to hold these rails in place, usually at the top, middle and lower end of the stairs. Depending on how long the staircase is, the rackets should be able to support the rail length. This means that the longer the rail, the more brackets in the middle.
The placing of the call box wiring comes next. This gadget helps the device go up and down the length of the tracks as well as summons it to come up or down when there is a need for it. The wire of the box should be kept out of the way of the track to ensure that it does not get caught as the haul up moves. When the call box wiring is finished, the upper track can then be attached to the lower track. The chain is then attached to the entire track and should move effortlessly with a pulley concept. The power cable for the seat should follow next and then the seat itself.
Make sure to test the mechanism thoroughly before letting the installers go. If anything seems awry or bothersome, it is best to ask about it while the installers are still there.