There are Consequences for Neglecting Heating Repair
Neglecting a necessary heating repair will end up being work in the long run. Have your furnace serviced early to prevent further damage.
Some aspects of home ownership can be put off and completed at some point in the future. Minor repairs can be added to the "honey do" list and taken care of when time allows. When your furnace starts to act up,
however, you need to take action quickly. If you need to call a heating repair service to help, you should do so before the weather turns bitterly cold. Neglecting to make this call can result in frustrating (and sometimes expensive) consequences.
The first consequence of neglecting the repairs needed is a cold home and freezing pipes. When you need heating repair, you should have it done immediately. When the cold winds rage and the snow falls, service companies are going to be very busy. If you do not have the furnace serviced and it stops working in the bitter cold, you will have to take emergency measures to stay warm and prevent frozen pipes. If you have children or pets, you will need to find a warm place for them to stay (even a room with a space heater might get chilly). Also, you will need to take measures to prevent your pipes from freezing until the warm air is flowing again.
Another consequence of neglecting to schedule a heating repair is larger bills. If you fix the problem early on, you may eliminate bigger, more expensive problems from occurring. Additionally, an efficient furnace costs much less to run than an inefficient one. If you want to procrastinate, try looking at the problem from a financial angle. You might actually change your own mind.
The final consequence of neglecting heating repair is reduced safety. When a furnace is not working properly, it can release carbon monoxide, a deadly gas. Carbon monoxide is odorless and tasteless, so you will not know that you are being poisoned by the gas until it is almost too late. Furnaces that need repairs can leak this gas and you can end up very sick. Most carbon monoxide victims end up dying from exposure to the gas.
Heating repair does not have to be difficult or expensive. Sometimes just changing the filter and cleaning out the unit can make a big difference. Other repairs (like replacing the filament) are a little pricier but not difficult. If there are repairs that you cannot do yourself, then you will need to call a service company to come to your home. In some cases it might be less expensive to completely replace the furnace. Be certain to ask the company if they have any financing options available. Often this is the case because many people cannot afford furnace service right away, especially if the weather is already very cold.
If you find yourself in need of repairs, contact a reputable company and ask them to come out and evaluate your furnace. Most will be able to make it out within 24 hours and can provide a comprehensive evaluation at that time.