Many insurance plans are not as inclusive as you might assume. Before you sign your homeowner's insurance policy, be sure you find out the details about coverage for water damage.

many homeowners don't take the time to thoroughly read their insurance policy until after catastrophe hits. Broken pipes, flooded basements, and leaking appliances reveal the fine print for water damage situations, and some homeowners are shocked at what they find!
If your water pipes freeze and burst, your insurance company does technically cover the damages. However, if the house was unoccupied at the time of the accident there are some factors that may complicate the process. Did you leave the heat on high enough to prevent the pipes from freezing? If not, the company may claim you neglected the property and therefore, they won't cover water damage or pipe repair.
Swimming pool leaks pose an interesting scenario. If your pool leaks, causing your backyard and basement to flood, your home and the items within it are covered. Your yard, however, probably isn't.
It's laundry day and all of a sudden your washer decides to go on the fritz and dump water all over your basement! Is this covered under insurance? Typically, water damage caused by a washing machine leak is covered under your homeowner's insurance, but not the repair of the machine itself. The company often concludes that the washing machine was not kept in good repair, thus causing the accident. As the homeowner, you are responsible for purchasing any replacement parts and covering the fees for a mechanic to repair the machine.
What happens if a sewer backup causes water damage in your basement? Unfortunately, this situation is not covered under most standard insurance policies. You're on your own unless you've purchased a special addition for sewer and drain backups.
The same holds true for seepage from the ground. If water enters your basement from underground, it's often considered a maintenance problem, rather than an accident.
During a heavy rain, water can leak through your roof if it's not kept in good repair. Is this scenario covered by your homeowner's insurance? It's most likely partially covered, depending on your policy. The items in your home that were harmed are most likely covered, but the repair of your roof will not fall under your home insurance policy. A roof that leaks because it's not kept in good condition is considered a maintenance issue, rather than an accidental occurrence. Now, if a tree were to fall on your roof during a storm and cause the roof to leak, then the entire amount would fall under your insurance. In fact, your insurance company may even reimburse you for removing the tree!
How about flooding? For instance, if the lake behind your home suddenly floods into your basement during a heavy rain and causes major water damage, are you covered? Probably not. Homeowner's insurance does not usually include floods, since you can purchase a separate flood insurance policy to cover flooding situations.
It's important to know the details of your homeowner's insurance policy before a catastrophe claims your household items. Be sure to read the fine print, and ask your provider some specific questions before you sign.