Tips to keep Carpenter Ants out of your House
Carpenter ants are very invasive pests. They really like to inhabit wooden areas that have been affected by moisture. If you have dead or decaying wood somewhere around your home, then they will eventually make their way to it.
Carpenter ants are very invasive pests. They really like to inhabit wooden areas that have been affected by moisture. If you have dead or decaying wood somewhere around your home,

then they will eventually make their way to it. The damage they can cause is comparable to what termites are capable of doing.
Instead of eating the wood though, they will simply tunnel through it in an effort to build galleries. After constructing these galleries, they will setup nests and exit at night in search of food. You will definitely want to prevent the destruction they can cause with these few tips which follow.
You do not want to give these small creatures easy access to your home via the foundation. Therefore, it is best for you to inspect it regularly for even the smallest of cracks. If you find anything, then get your hands on some caulk and fix the problem as soon as possible.
After you have finished inspecting your foundation, take a look at the trees in your yard. Are any of the branches overhanging your roof? If so, ants can simply walk across and find some entry point to use. With that in mind, you will want to trim back branches whenever they pose a potential problem.
Speaking of trees, it is also important to get rid of dead or rotting wood in your yard such as tree stumps or old logs. As mentioned, carpenter ants love this type of wood. If they are so close to your home, there is not much stopping them from finding a way in to look for food.
Although attracted to dead and rotting wood, carpenter ants will settle for settling in your firewood. Keep it as far away from your home as is convenient for you.
Besides wood, the one other thing carpenter ants need to survive in your home is a water source of some sort. This can easily be provided if you have leaky faucets or if your roof is leaking. No matter what type of leak it is, you will need to get it repaired quickly. Leaky areas will cause damage of their own, even if ants do not come around for the water.
Hopefully, you do not let any areas of your home get all hot and stuffy. Proper ventilation is necessary for proper humidity levels. If any part of your home is too humid, then you will need to start providing that area with more ventilation so it does not become a problem.