Two Types of Cleaning Services
If you are looking for a cleaning service, there are established janitorial and maid service companies in your area and there are new ones with excellent growing reputations. The objective should always be to protect your furnishings and to receive the best thorough cleaning that you ask for.
All homes and offices require cleaning from time to time. For a home,

regular spot cleaning can get a family through the work and school week until major cleaning that occurs every week, month or season, depending upon how much everyone chips in each day or week. For an office or business, however, there are certain health codes that they must adhere to in order to provide a comfortable and sanitary standard of operations for their employees and for the product or service they intend to provide to the community that they serve. Each industry has its own standard of cleanliness and sanitation that they must abide by such as food preparation or service, for example. There are three main types of cleaning service providers. There are maids that work in specific industries such as hotel services or they can work as a part of a private company. Maids provide company or household specified services according to the expected cleaning service. In the hotel industry bedding, allergen management and bathroom sanitation are the basic requirements. Within homes, a maid service can be taken on for specific occasions such as spring-cleaning or party recovery. Or, they can be called in each week or on a bi-monthly basis for regular stain removal, fabric care and thorough crevice cleansing with specialized products and applications. Janitorial service technicians provide the second type of cleaning service. Along with maids they are required to understand the chemical solutions and devices that they are working with in order to protect the surfaces they cleanse each day. Janitorial workers usually work in office buildings, schools or hospital type environments and perform their cleaning service on a daily basis in order to sustain a clean environment for faculty, staff and clients (and students) that these facilities serve each week. Both maids and janitors are provided with or provide specific cleaning solutions and gentle sanitation methods that remove stains and remove health compromising bacteria on a variety of surfaces not just kitchens and bathrooms. Whether you rely on a janitorial service or a maid service to attend your cleaning needs, they should all provide some type of contract as insurance of the care they will take with your furniture, office equipment and even the decorative furnishings. All aspects of cleaning service are necessities in the process of helping to keep your home and business safe and sanitary for all who enter and work there.