Water Heater Repair Is Necessary for Many Reasons
Water heater repair can range from small, easy-to-fix issues to larger, more serious problems. Being able to diagnose and know how to effectively address any issue that arises can help you save time and money in the long run.
Water heater repair may be necessary due to many different issues and problems,

all of which result in the same major inconvenience: no more warm showers or baths in your home.
Depending on whether a temporary issue or symptoms of a total breakdown are affecting your system, water heater repair can involve working on any number of different parts and components that make up the heating unit itself. Like many other aspects of your home that involve complicated pieces of equipment, both the problems and the solutions can come in all different shapes and sizes.
Unless you have significant experience working on these types of heaters, it is almost always best to let a professional handle any repairs that need to be done to prevent further damage to the unit. As the homeowner or building manager, you can aid the technician by making sure you recognize the symptoms of a potential problem and understand how to address it.
Obviously, the most common issue that foreshadows water heater repair is a lack of a consistently warm flow coming from your home or building's faucets. This can be caused by a number of different factors, but the most common are typically trouble with the thermostat or with the heating element itself. Thermostats attached to the unit can typically be tested to determine if they are working properly. A technician can do this to show you whether a replacement is needed.
Replacing the heating element is far more costly and time-consuming, and it is usually a last ditch effort after all other potential issues have been ruled out. These elements are designed to operate for significant periods of time under high levels of stress, but like any machine, they can wear down over time and eventually will need to be switched out, especially in older units.
If the flow coming out of your pipes is too hot, examining, testing, and potentially switching out the high-limit cutoff can help to address this situation. This device is what caps the unit's hottest temperature at a certain point to prevent it from warming too much.
If you believe water heater repair is necessary for your unit, there could be a number of things at play. If your tank is leaking or making unusual noises, checking pressure valves and other connections can potentially remedy the issue. Likewise, if there are issues with dirty or tainted contents, including rust buildup and other contaminants, having the tank drained can be the necessary fix.