One of the main reasons people get on their Facebook page daily is because of the online game play they get to experience and Facebook has become a da...
One of the main reasons people get on their Facebook page daily is because of the online game play they get to experience and Facebook has become a daily routine for a lot of people.
There are so many games to play on Facebook that it makes it hard not to get on daily, especially if you don't want to lose a good score or have to deal with withered crops or growing weeds in your yard.
Now. of course I'm talking about the newest popular game which you probably already have heard of which is FrontierVille. If not but you are a fan of FarmVille- you're going to love FrontierVille.
The same concept of game play from FarmVille goes into FrontierVille, but in FrontierVille you get to do a lot more which seems to be more enjoyable to all of the players.
There are similarities in both games and they are that you can, plant crops, have trees, and livestock. You must raise and harvest the crops without letting them wither, you have to harvest the trees or clear the trees to use to build furniture (although the using them to build furniture is not in Farmville) and you must take care of your livestock.
There are a lot of differences in the FrontierVille game play that have made this game much more popular than FarmVille. One of the biggest changes in FrontierVille involves your neighbors when playing FarmVille and going to help out a neighbor you are only allowed to do certain chores, but when playing FrontierVille you can go to a neighbor's yard and to some of their chores that are your choice.
Another change in the game play is that you can hire some of your neighbors to do certain jobs and pay them when they do those special jobs.
FrontierVille has really began focusing on a better story line because it is your job to get your home and land in order so you can get a life mate that helps you produce children, then once you have your family together it is your family and your duty to take care of your home and land.
Along with getting a new family you also get new missions to change up the game play and keep it new constantly. FrontierVille also focuses on a living world effect which means if you stay away for a few days your land and home can suffer, but not too badly of course.
If this sounds like an interesting game to you, then I also want to share a resource with you that will have you becoming the ultimate FrontierVille player, all you have to do is visit- RIGHT NOW!
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