Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
The internet is much too useful to not have access to it from where you live. There are quite a few methods of getting online. The different methods generally do depend on where you live and what is available in your area. Many people have found that ADSL broadband works well for them. ADSL stands for Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line. This particular type of service uses copper telephone lines and it allows people to transfer data faster than voice-band modems.
The internet is much too useful to not have access to it from where you live. There are quite a few methods of getting online. The different methods generally do depend on where you live and what is available in your area. Many people have found that ADSL broadband works well for them. ADSL stands for Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line. This particular type of service uses copper telephone lines and it allows people to transfer data faster than voice-band modems.
The actual way that ADSL works is pretty confusing. It involves frequencies and channels and does depend on the amount of noise on frequency channels. Usually there are several choices are available for the connection in case one is too loud. The main idea that needs to be understood is that this service relies on a phone line. It doesn't mean that you can't still use the phone. They split the line so that the internet and the phone can be used.
With noise being an issue,

especially in a customers home, the need for filters to be installed in the home is a necessity. This might seem a little tricky because of all the extra frequencies to choose from to eliminate the noise. You best bet is a qualified technician to do the installation and hook up, however, having to change your routine and because of a technician can cause its own set of problems. Missed and canceled appointments are no fun, and the added expense of a technician is can be less than desirable.
If you are lucky enough to get a self installation kit and are enough of a do it yourself kind of a person, you can save money, while not having to change any of your routines waiting on a technician. This can be done at your convenience 24/7. Proper installation by who ever is very important. Understanding that every phone will need a filter and not just a filter for the line split location, will keep every phone sounding great without a the common echo sounds associated with more than one phone on any filter.
There are a few things that will hamper your use of ADSL. People with old phone lines have trouble getting a clear signal. Other things can get in the way of the signal too. Something as simple as an extension cord with small gauge copper wire is more likely to be effected by electromagnetic interference. Figuring out how old your phone wires are could settle the debate about whether or not you want ADSL or some other internet connection.