What you feed will ultimately grow, this is the basis for any search engine to function. The Google services available today work together and feed each other as they grow into a well oiled machine.
With Google Labs holding all Google's Test Programs,

I believe that Google is totally focused on perfecting what they have already, rather than spending the bulk of their time getting further into innovation. I see that adding to and enhancing what they do, instead of beginning a separate new project has propelled Google to the top :)
This is a very wise standpoint in life for individuals even, to focus on your calling and to be what you are good at. Not staying at the surface with the knowledge of many things, but to hone your talents in one arena and be King of that. Much like Google has become King of the Internet Search Engines.
Google seems called to to do this, they are great at it, very passionate, and they focused on the search, aspects of the search, and what other ideas that work hand in hand, together to enhance the search engine process. Google has many services, all connected to help create and add to their massive search capabilities. Ideas that work alongside the search engine foundation.
While Google Lively was an incredible project, this site was a bit separated and removed from the rest of the mass of services as it did not enhance or flavor the prime focus of the search engine. It was more of a stand alone "new deal".
Let's get a visual with this and say I have an intense set of Lego blocks and then I get this equally great set of KNex blocks (while each set is brilliant by itself, working together is a bit difficult, not impossible, but difficult). Having two Lego block sets or two KNex blocks sets will create many clever things, but all working together, built from the same core material, and acting to enhance the whole. Google is staying with the one type of block and focusing it's energies to relate to (first and foremost) the search engine. To feed the master program with even more relevant terms, perfecting and enhancing it's service to the Internet.
Google has specific search engines like a blog search, book search, news search, and patent search to assist in the faster location of individuals needs by sifting into categories to weed through the unnecessary items even before the search begins.
Google Groups area allows a space for users to create a site for like minded individuals or to join in discussions with groups already formed. There is literally a group formed on almost every topic imaginable, over a million separate groups for you to meet other group members.
Google Video and YouTube are the services video search and hold areas for users to upload, view, and share video entertainment of all types. Again, the specific search engine strictly for video is available through the main site.
Google has even created an area where all users can invent their own search engine! Design which sites are to be searched through your own search engine. This is most handy for organizations, groups, and especially for learning facilities or parents who would like the students to be able to use a proper search engine, but wish to regulate which sites or search terms are able to be located.
There is a Calendar, photos with Picasa, Google Docs for documents and presentations, Google Reader for your blogs and social networks and other sites for bookmarking, and iGoogle to keep your information all together on one site. To access the entire listing of all the services is quite easy, along the top right hand side of the Google site there is a listing of Web, Images, Maps, etc. The last link is "more" with a dropdown menu and another list ending with "even more". Click on that to visit the entire list of services page. This huge hub page of holds the active services and the testing ideas as well under "Labs".
Visiting the Google Labs section is quite interesting and a whole lot of fun. This allows it's visitors to "play" with it's newest designs before they are released as a set in stone service.
Some of the recent graduates of the Labs are very handy. Suggest is the newest search feature where Google gives suggestions while you type in a search term or keyword in the form of a dropdown as you type into the search bar. This addition gives you a shortcut to longer search terms and also may expand on your original ideas to take you where you need to be faster.
Google Transit is another recent graduate of the Labs to allow users to become much more acquainted with the public transportation in their cities and areas. Many people would like to use the public systems in the towns and have no idea where to begin. Transit is your answer.
GOOG411 is Google's over the phone search for local businesses. Yet another free service to search for businesses in your area, but this time through the phone lines.
Chrome has been release from the Labs earlier than expected and is the Google Browser extraordinaire. A free browser for Windows Vista/XP SP2. Chrome is a browser that combines a very simple design paired with Google technology to make the web safer, faster, and easier with an all in one box system. The instructional videos here on the Chrome page will get you ready in no time and gain you a thorough understanding of the newest service, the Chrome web browser.
From the Blogger updates of import and export abilities along with the future posting and newest additions of Reactions and other Google gadgets, to the management of your health files all in one place with Google Health, I would be surprised if you were searching for holding, filing, searching, or collection answers, that one of Google's Services would not complete the puzzle for you.