Getting started with google adsense is very easy. It is a great way to monetize your website with relevant ads to your content.
Adsense is a very powerful tool because you can monetize your website very easily and with ads that are relevant with the content on your website. This is very important because the ads relate to what the user is looking for on your site. If used correctly you can make a very nice income just with adsense.
Here is how you can start making money with adsense
1. Target niches with high paying keywords
Do keyword research and discover which keywords are in demand. The high demand keywords pay more per click than the low demand keywords. Makes perfect sense right.
2. Start writing original content about topics from the keywords that you discovered in your keyword research. Search engines,

especially google are looking for quality content. There main focus is to make sure that whatever topic the user searches for, they find relevant, quality content that is useful to them. Think about it, if you use a search engine and are getting useless information, then you are going to stop using that search engine.
3. Have the ads blend in with the text
Wrap text around ads to make it look like they are part of the copy.
4. Make the color of the ads match the colors on the site
5. Place ads on all the pages.- high and low traffic pages including pages like free resource page. Might as well make a few bucks instead of sending them off to a different site for nothing.
6. Test your ads. Do not just paste the adsense code on your site and then walk away. Monitor your site and see what ad format and ad placement give you the most clicks. According to research, the one place that surfers look first when they visit a certain site is the top left.
7. Keep adding more content pages to your site. Go back to your keyword research and expand on the theme of your website. use the keyword phrases as topics. The more original, quality content you can add to your site the better because it will optimize your site for the search engines and it will also generate targeted traffic.
If you do not like to write articles from scratch, then you can go and find PLR articles. PLR stands for private label articles. You can search google for plr articles and find many articles for free and there are also sites which charge a fee for the articles. Since there are many people who have the same article, you should rewrite the plr article so it is unique and you do not get a duplicate content penalty from google.
8. Be sure to go through your google adsense account and learn about all the features that will help you earn money through adsense.
Please understand that you cannot cheat google. If you try and click on your own ads, google will find out and they will terminate your account and all the money that you all ready earned will be lost.
As you can see there is some work involved, but if you just follow the rules and put in the necessary time you will be able to make a nice income with google adsense.