While article marketing is one of the most effective strategies out there, far too many people misunderstand or misuse this method in a way that leaves them with poor results from their efforts. Learn more inside my article.
One of the top benefits of adopting an article marketing strategy is that it can be quickly set up and will continue to deliver traffic without any additional effort. There really is nothing better than a strategy that works hard for you long after it has been set up.
Even a single article put in the right position can generate a seemingly endless wave of targeted traffic,

without constantly having to go back and make changes.
This is one of the few marketing strategies that can increase traffic flow all on its own.It's not that difficult to get your articles listed on popular high-traffic sites that will be sure to send a nice flow of targeted traffic in your direction.
Any of your articles can be picked up by other sites or publishers, resulting in many more eyes seeing the words that you have written. The benefit here is that you basically get to piggyback on the popularity and reputation of these other places.
Placing one of your articles on an authority site has the added benefit of making appear as though you are an expert in your field. This is always something you should be aiming for in online business.
While article marketing is one of the most effective strategies out there, far too many people misunderstand or misuse this method in a way that leaves them with poor results from their efforts.
This method isn't as simple as blasting out as many articles as possible and then using spinner software to create poor quality articles that end up having a negative effect on your business.
Done in the proper manner, a single article can deliver a wave of incoming traffic, as well as sales that can add up to anywhere from $50-$500 per month. Imagine what you can do with multiple articles.
As mentioned earlier, your articles can be picked up and republished on literally hundreds of other sites, with each of them sending targeted traffic back to you. Best of all, you don't have to do anything else after the initial posting on order for that traffic to come to you.
Even if you wanted the traffic to stop, it would simply keep coming in never ending waves.
What you have to look at now is quality versus quantity. Yes, churning out hundreds of articles every week will ensure that the search engines will find you and improve your ranking, but why do that when you can employ a method that has been proven to work? There really is no point in leaving your success up to chance when you can be in control of your own destiny.
One well crafted, perfectly positioned article can be as valuable as hundreds of quick spin articles.
Think about this:
An internet newbie can make easy money by following these simple foolproof steps:
1. Track down a hot product that offers a nice sales percentage to its affiliates.
2. Create a few well-written articles about the product.
3. Submit the article to high-traffic articles sites.
4. Sit back and watch the traffic and sales roll in.
A savvy marketer would take it one step further by adding an opt-in form on the landing site, allowing them to collect information and build a mailing list. He can then regularly contact those people with new sales and offers.
There may in fact be no easier way to start making money on the internet than following the steps outlined above, even with no prior marketing experience.
The sad news is that as brilliant as this marketing strategy is, there are still too many people approaching it the wrong way. If you hear people bemoaning the fact that article marketing doesn't work, it is probably because they made a critical error somewhere along the way.
If you want to know a little more about these mistakes and how to avoid them, watch out for one of our future articles where we will reveal all.