Learn Tips and Tricks to Achieve massive Click Through Rates on your Google Adwords Ads.
Google adwords is hands down the best way to promote any product or service. The ease of setting up a campaign makes adwords the number 1 place to get ads up and running in no time. To discover ways to put your CTR's through the roof from day one on any campaign then read on.
Google wants you to have ads with a high CTR and rewards you accordingly. Google places ads with a high CTR in the best spot possible as the more clicks you generate the more revenue they get. This means that if you design an ad with a higher CTR than your competitior you will pay less per click to be in a better position.
To test a new product or service we want to get as many clicks as possible in a short time frame. The part of your campaign apart from keywords to achieve this is the ad. Since the headline is most important and demands the most attention we will start with it.
Below is a list of copy and paste headlines that always provide solid CTR's. Looking for Seo Elite?. SeoElite Scam?. Google Cash Exposed. Adwords Miracle Dead?. Simply insert your keyword or the product name into the space where I have used an example product name.
Next is the body of the text and your first step is to go to sales letter and write down all the benefits listed there. The merchant should list the top benefits in their sales letter. Try to put in as many as possible while also doing a short pre-sell of the product.
The best way to find out which one works in the niche your targeting is to test. Always split test your ads in google. Make sure you use the same body text and change the headlines to find the best one. Let it run and the consumer will tell you what ad is best.
Once you are happy with the headline change the benefits and keep testing. I will regularly check out the competitions ads to keep up with the latest trends. Modelling the best is talked about all the time on the internet by the money makers. Also check the ads you are up against for ideas to modify and test in your campaign.
Add these ideas to your campaign and with a bit of testing you will have those high CTR's we all need to succeed online.