Going Online for Fundraiser Events

Aug 6


Eric Vaknin

Eric Vaknin

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As the economy continues to decline, many individuals use the internet to make money. It’s easy and anyone can bring in extra cash or a full time income. One of the easiest ways is through the sale of items around the house or through friends and family.

As the economy continues to decline,Going Online for Fundraiser Events  Articles many people use the internet to make money. It’s easy and anyone can bring in extra cash or a full time income. One of the easiest ways is through the sale of items around the house or through friends and family.

Begin by finding a product. Items can be listed for sale on a local sale site. Start with appliances, tools and items that are needed to complete a household. Next look for cars through friends and family to list. Last, list smaller items like art work, crafts and home décor.

List all your own items with a minimum price, plus 10%. This gives you enough range to haggle over the price and drop it by 10% to 15%. You still get the price you want and your customer walks away with a little saved from the original amount. Since the items are yours, any money you make is profit.

If you are going to list items for friends and family, choose a set fee for yourself or a percentage of the full sale price of the items. For higher value items such as cars or farm equipment, set your price at 25% of the final price. You do the work and receive a percentage.

List your item with information regarding size, style, working condition, and any other information. If the customer wants more information, get it in writing so you can research and answer each question completely. Always post a picture with each item.

Once the item sales, it is final. Do not offer refunds and make sure you write a receipt that the item is bought “as is”. Quick, easy and fun to do.