GREEK INTERNET CAFE UNION New Greek law bans all ... The Greek ... has recently decided to ban all PC-Games in public and private places alike.In an absurd and ... way that c
New Greek law bans all PC-Games!
The Greek government has recently decided to ban all PC-Games in public and private places alike.
In an absurd and unprecedented way that conforms to regiments where computers and the internet are considered evil, the Greek Parliament has effectively outlawed all computer games in Greece, even those that can be played on the Internet!
That is to say that games such as Age of Empires, Counter-Strike, BackGammon or Chess on Yahoo! are considered illegal from now on.
Please make a link for your users to vote against this law to the following link
Varitimidis Chris
Regular Member of Greek Internet Café Union
PS. If you place a link and support us, please feedback a reply with your actions (the weblink address that you place so we advertise it) and a logo and a web site to put it on our web site as a support for our willings. Thank you very much for your time.