Business ideas are coming to us all the time -- where are you going to keep those ideas so that you can use them in the future? Keeping a journal for your business ideas will be one of the best business tools you can have.
"We have 50,000 ideas run through our minds daily. Ideas are like wet slippery fish. You got to get 'em when they show up or they will slip away never to be seen again." - Earl Nightingale
One of your best business tools will be the journal you keep. Ideas come at us all the time and from everywhere. Where are you going to keep them?
I keep my journal with me in my purse. If I have so much as a moment waiting for someone my journal is out and I am writing or reviewing what I have written in the past. Any idea that floats through my mind I stop to record. If I listen to an inspiring or educational tape my journal is out taking notes.
Keep everything in that journal:
I write it all in my Idea Journal. Why? So I know where to go when I am ready to sit down and write, plan and dream. If I have a glimmer of an insight I capture it for later use.
Part of the pleasure of a journal is choosing one that you love. I personally love Moleskeine Journals. I like my pages to be unlined as I prefer to be unconstrained. How about you? Do you have a favorite color? Do you like lined pages or unlined pages? What size will work best? Maybe you like pictures on yours... Go to the bookstore and find a great journal.
Once you have one, take it with you everywhere. You never know when inspiration strikes. And if someone you are talking to says something profound, whip out your journal and take notes. In fact, I often just bring it out and keep it next to me when I am having lunch with a friend. I never know when I want to refer to a fact or record a new idea.
One of the things that will happen internally is that your subconscious will begin to recognize that you are listening. And you will find more and more of your thoughts and insights coming to the surface to be recorded. By consistently recording all those stray thoughts and great ideas you will find that you have supercharged your access to your own creativity!
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