Since its inception internet usage has been growing rapidly year by year.
Today more and more businesses are understanding the importance of being able to track their employee's use of the internet. Unfortunately in the society we live today for many businesses abuse of being able to access the internet during work hours has become rife and can even lead to some legal issues. Although many employees do not realize this but simply emailing or chatting to friends on line can now be construed as misuse or abuse of the company's internet facilities. This is why more and more businesses have chosen to put in place Internet Usage policies and have had internet usage tracking software installed.
However for many businesses by installing software that tracks their employee's internet usage can help to solve three major problems where the internet and its use are concerned. Below we take a look at what these are.
1. A large number of employees may become distracted from tasks they are required to do as they will often go online and become distracted by various different things that they internet has to offer. But an internet usage tracking system will be able to clearly identify for a business those employees who are accessing sites which the business considers to be undesirable and can then prevent them from accessing them further. They don't even need to go to the employees PC in order to do this as all can be done from where the person monitoring internet usage is located.
2. On occasions there have been times where employees for some businesses have accessed what is classed as prohibited materials and if caught it is not the employee who will take responsibility for this but the owner of the business. Not only could this end up in a legal case but could result in a loss of business for the company in question. But through the use of an advanced software internet monitoring system will enable to avoid such problems as it provides the user with total control over the kind of content that employees are able to access when online.
3. Occasionally without actually realizing it employees may start to download something from online which not only could cause a problem at which the network is running. But it also may lead to a much more serious threat to the security of the network as a whole. Through the use of a good internet usage tracking software program a company IT Department will be able to swiftly identify those who have carried out such tasks and prevent them from doing so again in the future.
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