Does your computer run as quickly and ... as it did when you first got it? Chances are, if you’re like a lot of other folks out there, probably not. So what, if ... can be done about it?
Does your computer run as quickly and efficiently as it did
when you first got it? Chances are, if you’re like a lot of
other folks out there, probably not.
So what, if anything, can be done about it?
Well, I’ve got some good news for you. Many of the methods
you can use to restore most, if not all of your computer’s
original speed are basic, easy to do and, for the most part,
Follow these basic steps and see if you don’t notice a huge
improvement in performance:
1) Download (and then run) a spyware detection and removal
Spyware is the term used for programs that are installed on
your hard drive WITHOUT your perimission.
That, in itself, is not cool, but it gets worse.
Once on your hard drive, they begin to send out information
about everything you do on your computer. The web sites you
visit, how long you stay, and how often you go there. Most
any keystroke, including your passwords can be captured and
sent to the spyware's home site.
Bummer, huh?
But fear not! Thankfully, there are two free programs that
have evolved into one of the most popular and effective
one-two punches in spyware detection and destruction
The first is called Spybot Search and Destroy and the second
is Ad-Aware from Lavasoft.
Together they will detect most of those nasty little
critters installed on your hard drive and with the click of
your mouse, destroy them. And then guess what?
You'll be AMAZED at how this one step alone can speed up the
operation of your computer!
Simply go to: to
download Spybot, and then hustle over to: to download
And then run both of these programs (one after the other, of
course), as they compliment each other very well, and if one
program doesn't locate a particular spyware program, chances
are the other will.
And did I mention these product are absolutely NO COST?
2) Update your antivirus software.
What? You don’t HAVE an antivirus program? GET ONE! I’ve
used Norton Antivirus with great success and highly
recommend it. However, just as important as having antivirus
software is to keep it continually updated. THIS IS
Just follow the simple instructions provided by the software
company, and you’ll be a step ahead of the virus creation
Also, make sure that your "real-time protection" is always
in the "on" mode to make sure nothing sneaks into your
3) Purchase and use a hard drive cleaning program.
And I'm not talking about Norton Clean Sweep, here! While
those applications do have their place, you need something
that is much more comprehensive in the useless information
it clears out.
These things are an invaluable tool, and they’re not just
for sneaky husbands who surf those “undesirable” sites late
at night!
I personally use Web Eraser, which cost me $30, but was well
worth the investment. It cleans out useless and undesirable
junk that only serves to slow down your computer, and frees
up lots of wasted memory on your hard drive in the meantime.
A cool feature is that you can tailor it to clean out only
what you want and leave the rest untouched and implements
the Department of Defense’s strict standards for cleaning
and sanitizing hard drives.
Keep in mind that, as with the Spybot S&E described above,
it’s important to go through the simple tutorials and help
sections to fully understand what you should erase, and what
is better left untouched.
For example, you might want to save certain “cookies” on
your hard drive to make your internet surfing quicker and
more efficient while visiting the sites you frequent most or
do business with.
4) Defrag your computer’s hard drive.
Some folks do this far too often, but others totally neglect
it, and this can definitely contribute to slower performance
in some computers.
Defragging, simply put, consolidates related information on
your hard drive so that your computer doesn’t have to spend
as much time looking for it when you want to run a certain
If you use any version of Windows, a defrag program is
included. I would recommend, depending on how full your hard
drive is, defragging every two to three weeks to help keep
that hard drive running smoothly.
Although there are many other ways beyond the scope of this
article to boost the performance of your computer whether it
be newer or a relative “dinosaur”, following the above four
steps will go a long way to keeping you happy with your
investment and not feeling like you’re wasting years of your
life waiting for the thing to complete the simplest tasks.