SEO Positioning – Get Your Blog A Front Row Seat
I have been using Facebook for over 3 years now to build a business online and in the early days it was a fantastic tool to use. However much has changed over those 3 years and even more has changed over the past couple of months.
When you write a blog post or article your SEO positioning is very important. You want to get on the first page of Google and ideally in the number 1 spot,

but how can you do this with so many websites around fighting for the same keywords?
The first mistake so many people make is thinking that they need to find a keyword with low competition and a reasonable amount of searches. The truth is that you need to find keywords where the competition has not SEO optimized that word.
In other words, if two people are being chased by a hungry lion then the person who has the trainers will not get eaten! You only need to just beat your competitors in order to get ranked higher than them.
So the purpose of this article is to show you exactly what you should be looking for when trying to beat your competition. This will help tremendously with your SEO positioning but it is no guarantee of a page 1 finish, Google work in mysterious ways sometimes but this will help in most cases.
* Backlinks
* Page Rank
* Keyword in the URL
* Keyword in the Title
* Keyword in the Description
* Domain Age
Backlinks – this are the most important things to look for when trying to beat a keyword. Google places a lot of strength on backlinks and the quality of backlinks not just how many they have. If your find sites with lots of backlinks on page 1 then look for another word.
PageRank – This is the second most important thing to look at, this is a measure of the authority a site holds within Google. Sites with high page rank will be tough to beat, however if they have low backlinks there is a chance you could achieve some success. You must remember that other factors come into play, so the choice is yours.
Keyword in the URL – Another strong tactic is to see if the keyword is in the URL or have they purchased the domain as the keyword. It’s a strong method to use and Google looks favourably at this kind of thing.
Keyword in the Title – Have they spent some time adding the keyword to the title of the post? If not they it could be a good word to go for and try and beat.
Keyword in the Description – Just like having the keyword in the title, having it in the description is a powerful way to get ranked. What you will find is that a lot of high page ranked sites don’t bother to do this which shows you how powerful page rank is.
Domain Age – It is not a deciding factor and I only put it in here because it just worth remembering. Google likes sites that have been around for a while but you can still beat these sites with proper SEO.
If you look at and understand how these 6 different items when doing your keyword research your SEO positioning will improve a great deal over time.