Simplifying Your Web Site Hosting
Having the right web site hosting service to support your web site is an important decision that you should take very seriously. You should be e...
Having the right web site hosting service to support your web site is an important decision that you should take very seriously. You should be especially aware of how much traffic you expect in order to make sure your site can handle the volume of visitors. As a commercial site,
up time is one of the most important considerations. This is because competition for the online customer is fierce and you do not want to lose the opportunity of capturing that customer during their first visit. Few on line shoppers will give your site more than one click before they move on to the next option.
For less than thirty dollars a month you can get web site hosting that provides unlimited disc space and email boxes. You can also get unlimited monthly data transfer and FTP accounts. Those features should handle most higher traffic sites. For less than half the price, you can still get hosting services that feature significant amounts of performance. With five hundred gigabytes of disk space, and five thousand gigabytes of monthly data transfer, your site should be able to handle most of the traffic demands of the larger web sites. Maybe you represent a startup company or an organization that wants a web site that will give you enough capacity to get going and even expand on a limited budget. Services in this range cost about ten dollars a month and provide three hundred gigabytes of disk space and monthly data transfer of three thousand gigabytes. Throw in a thousand email boxes and twenty five FTP accounts and you are well on your way to establishing yourself on the web.
Having the technical infrastructure is only part of the equation when developing your site. A top quality design has compelling graphics and verbiage, with easy to navigate features, in order to make the experience as positive as possible. But the design has to be more than just eye appealing. It must be able to be updated easily with a minimum of service interruption. It must also have the flexibility to add features in an ever changing online environment while remaining familiar to the user. It is much like a store remodel. You do not want to disrupt business for too long alienating customers by making changes that do not easily translate into a perceived benefit. What looks good on paper may not be what is in the best interest of the visitor, whether they are a first timer or a long term client. It is a fine line between innovation and alienation so keep that in mind when making adjustments to any web design.
Change can be good just for the sake of appearances. However, when you are making changes on your site you have to consider that you may never hear the objections of your customers because of the somewhat anonymous nature of the internet. Some brands have the luxury of a vocal customer base that will let them know, in no uncertain terms, if the changes they have made are not to their liking. A case in point would be the changing of the Coca Cola formula to the New Coke back several years ago. The customer protest was long and loud to the point that Coke had to bring back what had been their leading brand as Classic Coca Cola, which until only recently, has once again become just Coca Cola. The changes you make may not get that kind of feedback and the only way you will know if they worked is through tracking the visitor count and of course sales. You can see the importance of web site hosting, and a well thought out web design, in the overall future health of your online business.