Social media marketing, how shopping has come on in 10 years
How social media can help those with Ecommerce stores
Who would have thought that 2010 would come so quickly? 10 years ago we were gearing up for the biggest New Year’s Eve party ever. I imagined by 2010 there would be jet packs,

flying cars and alien abductions (did I mention I was 11 years old 10 years ago?). I couldn’t have been more wrong. However times have changed a massive amount especially when it comes to the internet. I remember our family buying our first computer; we all had to share it. We all must remember the slow dial up connection, having to unplug the modem from the phone socket whenever anybody wanted to use the phone or planning your time to make the most of the pay as you go time you had. How times have changed, imagine if we had to do such things now. I mean speeds are so fast you can download full movies in a matter of minutes in some cases. As the times have changed and internet speeds have become faster, more people are buying computers and laptops. Our house for instance has 2 PC’S and 2 Laptops with an extremely fast connection. We are all constantly on the internet and I especially am partial to a spot of internet shopping and seem to always be on Facebook. Millions of people like myself shop online, sometimes it’s easier as people are unable to leave the house but I personally like the choice you have online. It extends so much further than the shops I could go to in my area, most of which are now out of business due to the global recession. The internet is becoming the preferred way to buy and I personally think will wipe out most shops in years to come.Many people are noticing this too, and are taking full advantage of the opportunities you have starting an online business (Ecommerce store) and the larger scale of people you can target. Back to what I mentioned before, I use Facebook a lot as well as Twitter and YouTube. These are massive social networking sites with millions upon millions of members. They have massively grown over the past 10 years and are now being fully taken advantage of by businesses wishing to market their brand and gain new customers. I get a lot of attention from businesses using social media marketing but it is all relevant to what I like. I chose who I follow on Twitter and chose what I watch on YouTube and Facebook cleverly markets to you by what you talk about and what you state your interests are. It does work and I often click through adverts and links presented to me. If you are a business owner and are thinking about starting an Ecommerce storeto generate more sales you will need to work hard as it isn’t just about making a website and BOOM! Rich! You will have to market it correctly. This means optimising your site and using adverts to gain the right audience. Lots of companies specialise in Internet Marketing and can really push you in the right direction.Now I bet you didn’t predict this 10 years ago. It’s obvious to think about flying cars and jet packs but come on! We are far more intelligent than that, they have probably been invented but are highly impractical when you think about it. This is something I doubt anybody would have predicted and it’s quite exiting to imagine what I will be writing about in another 10 years time.