Through The Looking GlassMy mother used to take me along when she visited an old ladydown a cobbled lane who had a crystal ball on her dining ... and a pack of playing cards. My mother was supe
Through The Looking Glass
My mother used to take me along when she visited an old lady
down a cobbled lane who had a crystal ball on her dining room
table and a pack of playing cards. My mother was superstitious
and really believed a lot of what she was told by the old lady.
She wanted to know what the future held not only for herself
but for me, her only little boy. I was about five or six years
old at the time, and used to gaze at the reflected images upon
the crystal ball of the sunlit window behind me and the lace
curtains, although the old lady would place her hands at either
side of the crystal ball and say that she could see the future
and told of what she saw, I could only see the reflection of
that window with the lace curtains. The old lady was either a
genuine medium or was just guessing what my mother wanted to
hear to keep her coming back for more of the same, and make
herself a small income to supplement her pension.
We all of us are seekers of knowledge to enhance our lives and
most of us would admit we are a little superstitious but may
not believe that anyone could foretell the future. If we really
needed to know the future as regards our business, in particular,
we would look at 'trends', and facts and figures on charts and
graphs, so we may be able to predict where our business is
going, we none of us would trust in an old lady with a crystal
ball. If we wanted to be successful in business we would arm
ourselves with sufficient knowledge to make it happen, and where
else to look for knowledge but on the internet where all manner
of business books are online, written by experienced business
people who have 'been there-done that'.
The internet is the first place people now go to find something
out, whether it be for personal use or for business use, for
there is a mind-boggling explosion of knowledge on the internet,
most of which we are never going to read, simply because we
would need to live to 900 years old to be able to find the time
and that's supposing no more knowledge gets added in the
meantime. In that 900 years, inevitably, a lot of the information
will go out of date, so we need to live another 900 years to
catch up on the 'updates'. This could go on forever, for there
would always be more knowledge coming along we need to keep track
Yes, the internet is a wonderful depository of knowledge, the knack
of using it to full advantage is to keep trawling and discovering
new web sites and then having found some we like, for fresh new
content, regular updates, etc., bookmark them in your browser, so
you can find them again.
None of us are going to live to 900 years, so we need to maximize
our time on the internet, for there are approximately three billion
web pages indexed by Google, and more are being added every minute
of every day, even while you have been reading this.
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