Top 5 tips to keep your website current
5 tips to help you keep your website new and up-to date. These tips will guarantee to gain you trust from visitors.
Keeping on top of the small details can have a massive overall effect on your website.
- News features – News features are a fantastic way to communicate with visitors and customers on your website and let them know how well your business is doing. It helps keep your website looking up-to date to those visiting which is a good way of helping gain trust and reflecting your organisation in a positive light. Write about anything from new products or services,
achievements, awards or just general helpful information. What you may find is that a customer may not have known you where selling a certain product or service until the news story was posted and it could increase your sales. Another tip when installing a news feature is internal linking; link the keywords you are targeting back to the relevant pages on your website as this helps you rank better in search engines if you have a Search engine optimisation and the more news stories you have, the more links you will have meaning you could get a higher volume of traffic coming to your website.
- Monthly / Seasonal offers and promotions – Having things like “summer sale” or “July offers” on your home page will give an impression that you are constantly updating and are up-to date with what is going on. Obviously have them relevant to the current month or season. Your visitors will immediately think that if your website has the latest offers then response time will be fast and it gives an impression you are reliable, so constantly update these features. Also changing your logo slightly on special occasions keeps you looking current as well, things like adding hearts to your logo on Valentine’s Day or snow at Christmas. Having a good Web designer on board will help you achieve this.
- Testimonials – Any feedback you get from a customer should be immediately added to your website. Whether it is a few words or a letter, have a special area of your website dedicated to customer opinion. People like to read of others experiences before they make up their minds. So having feedback is an excellent way of not only gaining trust but hopefully increasing sales.
- Pictures – If you have a gallery on your website or pictures on the home page, try and update them often by either adding more to the gallery (most recent first) or changing the pictures on the home page. This is just a nice touch and helps spruce up your site and gives visitors something now to look at.
- Blogging – Having a blog can be similar to having a news section except a blog is more personal and allows for visitor comments and feedback. You can talk more personally on a blog and talk about things other than news. Keep the blog up to date as you would with the news section as this shows you are active in your community and helps you create a personality for your business. A post once or twice a week is perfect as it keeps you current but you aren’t spending all of your time updating it.
- Social media – Having links to your Twitter and Facebook is also a good idea, this gives visitors the option to follow your updates from a more personal medium. You could also install a feed on your homepage with live updates of your status updates or Tweets. This is another good way of staying current. You only need one update about once a day through your Social media channels but make sure they are interesting and relevant without boring your reader.