Social networking has been the biggest change in the way we do business especially for small business owners. They usually have one person in the company to do this and that makes the social networking tool called Twitter perfect for them.
Social networking has changed the way we do business and the biggest change has been for small business owners.
Small businesses usually have one person who makes a great representative for the company in the social networking arena. And this makes small businesses a perfect fit for a social networking tool called Twitter.
Twitter is a micro-blogging tool in which you have 140 characters to answer the question "What Are You Doing?"
At first I was reluctant to join in on Twitter and wanted to make sure I would see business results from it. Since connecting through Twitter I have seen these results: more Website and Blog traffic; product ideas from my target market; and an increase in expert status. Another bonus, Twitter makes working from home not so isolating and I feel as if I'm in an office talking around the water cooler.
So how can you obtain these results for your business?
Action Step: Create a Twitter profile at and you can start off by following me @jhaubein. I look forward to connecting with you.
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Don't waste your time on website traffice efforts that aren't paying off. My secret to great website traffic....forums.They're Not Just Numbers!
After your web site is live and on the web, you're all done right? Not exactly, now comes the fun part tracking your web site visitors and statistics. Yes, you heard me I said "fun". This part can be fun if you know what you are looking for and have a system in place to help. So you are ready to start tracking, but what do all of these weird terms mean. Let's first start with some definitions and then I will show you what is most important to track and what you can ignore.