What Exactly is Internet Marketing?
Internet marketing has recently become an increasingly important sector within any properly thought out marketing plan. Here we discuss some of the vital components to have within your Internet marketing plan.
Internet marketing can mean a variety of difIferent things to different people. How the term Internet marketing is explained and defined all depends on whom it is that you ask. Of course Internet marketing only a few years back only meant having a strategically placed banner or a simple advertisement placed on a website. Now however,

Internet marketing is on the crossroads of a new evolution. There is a much larger mix of Internet marketing available and if used correctly can transform a lagging website or business into a thriving commodity. Your business doesn’t even have to be web based to benefit from good internet marketing. It is ultimately your decision whether you decide to use an Internet marketing strategy, but Internet marketing has recently become an increasingly important sector within any properly thought out marketing plan. Internet Marketing ObjectivesInternet marketing can be used in a variety of ways, but these are the main reasons to have a great Internet marketing strategy.· It’s all about getting your message across to existing and potential customers and clients. You can use Internet marketing to clearly convey a message about the particular services or products that you offer. · Another great way to use Internet marketing to your advantage is to use it to conduct particular research. You can manage and evaluate your potential and existing customer’s needs and wants. With this information gained from your Internet marketing strategy you can actually see what works and what doesn’t.· Internet marketing is a great way to bring more profit to your business. Using a good Internet marketing plan can help you sell more products, services or even advertising space; therefore brining more business your way.What are the Internet Marketing Components? Here are some of the vital components to have within your Internet marketing plan.· It may seem obvious but a good starting point for your Internet marketing plan is a website. Your website could contain just text, or maybe some audio files or video files as well. All of this should come together to clearly get your companies message across to the masses. You don’t have to have a website that sings and dances; but you will need something that grabs the reader’s attention. You could use your website as just a promotional tool showcasing what you do and what you sell. · After you have your website ready; you could then use Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine optimisation (SEO). The term SEM is used in reference to marketing your new website through the search engines such as Google or Yahoo. SEO is a term used to make your website more search engine friendly and improving the rank in the listings through the use of certain keywords throughout your website. Where SEO is concerned there are a few ways to improve your rank; you could do it the hard way and manually submit, or you could pay for your website to be listed higher or have pay per click advertisements featured on the search engines. It all depends on what budget you have available. · Within your Internet marketing plan you should have somewhere featured within it email marketing. You can collect potential or existing customers email details and submit emails on a large scale to entice them to your website. You can also buy lists that detail peoples email addresses. Email marketing is simply the online version of direct mail marketing strategies.The