Finding the right web host for your website is always important, but it’s even more important when you’re looking for Joomla hosting. This is because ...
Finding the right web host for your website is always important,

but it’s even more important when you’re looking for Joomla hosting. This is because when working with Joomla, the smallest thing gone wrong during the installation and maintenance of the site can cause it, and you, major problems down the road. You can be sure your Joomla will be installed properly; and that you’ll receive the full benefits of this free open-source content management if you find the right Joomla host. Here’s how you can do just that.
Finding a web host that offers the right software is the first step in getting a good Joomla host. Typically, if a host is advertising themselves as a Joomla host, they most likely have the software. However, because Joomla can run on servers that have Apache, PHP, and MySQL installed, you may want to check with the web host to see what versions of these applications you will need.
While talking to your Joomla host about compatibility issues, also make sure that they are running the most up to date version of Joomla possible. Some hosts are still running Joomla 1.0 and, while this will still function, some have found that it does have bugs in it that you won’t find in later versions.
Before you decide on a web host, ask what their Joomla installation process is like. While Joomla is one of the most in-depth CMS software around, it also takes a complex infrastructure to set up a program this sound. It can often require the knowledge of components such as FTP and MySQL, which can be more than challenging for those who aren’t familiar with such technologies. However, that doesn’t mean that Joomla can’t be an option for those that aren’t tech-savvy. It just means that those who aren’t should find a Joomla host that offers an easy one-click installation process.
Lastly, superior customer service and support is always important when you’re looking for the right web host; but it’s especially so when looking for a good Joomla host. This is because Joomla, being open-source software, is supported by a group of developers and users that create, update, and maintain the software. This is one of Joomla’s biggest benefits, because you get the expertise of hundreds of professionals. But, it’s also one of its downsides.
The trade-off to Joomla not being owned by one private company is that there’s also no traditional lines of customer support. You can post on forums and send emails, and the group of users is typically very fast, accurate, and reliable in their replies. But that may not always be the case, even if your website is down and you don’t know what went wrong. This is where an experienced, knowledgeable, and supportive Joomla host comes in. Finding the right host fills in that gap, and will provide you whatever support you need whenever you need it.
Finding a good web host is always important no matter what platform, software, or operating system you plan on using. But when you want to run your website using Joomla, it’s more important than ever, to make sure you receive all the benefits Joomla has to bring!