Which Facebook proxy server works?
There are many proxy sites that can allow you to unblock Facebook and other blocked sites. The quality of the servers that each proxy uses, of course, is going to be different for each proxy. So how do you find a Facebook proxy server that works?
There are many proxy sites that can allow you to unblock Facebook and other blocked sites. The quality of the servers that each proxy uses,
of course, is going to be different for each proxy. So how do you find a Facebook proxy server that works? With time, trial, and error.The thing is that each time you sign into a server, its going to give you a different IP address. Also, its going to be a different time of day, and the proxy server will have a different amount of people signed into it. So the thing is that there is no "one" secret server that's going to work for you every time.The other thing you've got to consider is that if you're using open proxies, depending on where you get the proxies from (which proxy list), each time you visit the proxy list, there will be a different set of servers for you to choose from. IP addresses expire, proxies experience problems, and a million other things can go wrong. Though you may find a reliable list of updated servers and IP addresses, these lists, most of the time, not only won't guarantee the quality of the proxy servers, but also can't guarantee the safety of the users that connect to them (because they don't own them).This is why, if you really are looking for a Facebook proxy server that works, you should pay for a service. Not only do they maintain their servers, but they can guarantee your safety - after all, they are a registered business, and will definitely have a privacy policy and guarantees against having your IP address spammed by their network administrators.Such services will most likely cost you about 5-10 dollars a month, and the prices will vary based on reputation, quality of connections, and variety of server locations. Unlike open proxies where you can change location at free will, many paid services either don't let you choose server location at all, or require that you choose one at the beginning, and stick with it. Unlike virtual private networks which allow you to switch location around the world for free, the same is not true of proxy services.