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The only way a website can gain credibility as well as become a successful enterprise is by having a large number of visitors. This does not stop at just getting visitors though. A website needs to retain its visitors. This is because the longer a visitor keeps visiting a particular website, the higher the chances of that visitor becoming a customer of that website. As long as the website keeps providing the necessary information that a visitor needs, the more likely it is that the visitor will soon become a potential customer of the business. However, this is not what usually happens. More website owners are realizing that although they tend to get a lot of traffic, they also seem to lose those visitors at the same rate. This could be happening for a number of reasons. Here are a few reasons that could explain why visitors do not become customers.
The first reason is inadequate accessibility on the website. The most successful websites tend to have complete accessibility. One may have a website that has superior features as well as content that is regularly updated, but if the accessibility is poor, visitors will not become customers of that website. One of the most common causes of inadequate accessibility is cross browser incompatibility. With this in mind, one should always strive to design a website that keeps in mind the various browsers that visitors make use of.
Another reason why visitors do not become customers could be due to poor navigation. Messy navigation is one of the leading causes that would make a visitor abandon a website completely. This is unfortunate, as chances are most visitors may not even go through the entire website before deciding it is a lost cause. Navigation is the foremost way that visitors will search for information on one’s website. To counter this, one should contemplate including a site map as one of the web pages. This makes it much easier for visitors to navigate through the website.
A third reason why visitors do not become customers could stem from inadequate content in the website. The majority of internet users visit websites in search of information. When a visitor comes to a website and cannot find information pertinent to their query, more often than not they end up leaving immediately. When starting a website, one should always ensure that the visitor will have all the information necessary on the website. This should not be random information. The content should expound on exactly what the specific website is concerned with.
Lastly, visitors will not become customers if they experience slow loading pages on the website. People who go online in search of information tend to be on a tight schedule. For this reason, they will not waste their precious time on a website that has pages that take eons to load. Not only does this make the visitor impatient, but it could also make them frustrated and they will never come back to that particular website. One should therefore try and design one’s website to cater to slower internet connections.
Yours Sincerely,
Annetta Powell
Your Professional Success Coach
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