A Domestic Violence Attorney - What He Can Do For You
If you've been involved in an incident at home, you may need to contact a domestic violence attorney to ensure your rights are protected.
If you've been involved in an incident in the home,

you may need to contact a domestic violence attorney to ensure your rights are protected. Criminal lawyers of all kinds have a bad rap in America. Some are perceived as doing anything they can to get their clients off, no matter the consequences. When it comes to serious charges like rape, murder, and other such offenses, the general public tends to see the lawyers as being as much of a scourge as the defendants themselves. But if you find yourself charged with a crime, you don't want to hesitate calling one, regardless of your previous feelings. The fact is this: prosecutors and police aren't perfect. Sometimes they get it wrong. And even when they don't, the defendant has the right to excellent counsel. Don't waive your rights. They may be all you have left.
Know The Penalties
Hiring a domestic violence attorney isn't a decision that's going to mean the difference between a small fine and a slap on the wrist. There has been a distinct movement in this country to make sure that those adults who abuse their wives or children are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That means you could be facing some very serious penalties should you be convicted in court. Jail time, extraordinary fines, loss of custody, and other penalties could be levied against you. It is important that you have a lawyer on your side who can explain what you're up against and negotiate the best deal you can get (if acquittal is not on the table).
No Contact
In many states, there may be what's called a "no contact" provision levied by the court. This occurs within a day of your arrest and it means, simply, that you are not to go home and you are not to try contacting your family. This provision is pretty much levied automatically if you don't have a domestic violence attorney in court with you to fight the penalty. It may be levied anyway, but without a lawyer there to speak your case, you won't have a leg to stand on. This is completely aside from your guilt or innocence in the matter, which will be determined at a later time.
Future Employment
Charges of this nature don't go away, even if you plead "no content". The record will not be sealed and future employers can easily look up the information and use it to make a determination whether or not to hire you. This isn't meant to scare you, but rather to emphasize the importance of taking the charges seriously. Don't try to fight the charges without a domestic violence attorney by your side. Your chances will be minimal at best.