Accident Attorneys and Product Recalls on Autos
Faulty products can cause an accident and this accident may leave individuals injured or ill. Product recalls can create serious problems for both drivers and passengers of vehicles that are equipped with them.
Auto manufacturers have made many mistakes with vehicles that have already been introduced to the market for sale. These problems may go undetected for a long period of time before accidents with striking similarities begin to crop up on a mass scale. In the case of a number of accidents due to a faulty product by a manufacturer,

an accident attorney will file a class action suit. A class action suit filed by an accident attorney involves a large number of people who are suing the manufacturer for the same reason. The purpose of a class action suit is to ensure that the manufacturer covers all of the victims in one setting, rather than being brought to trial on several occasions. A class action suit is usually settled with one large, lump sum of money being awarded to the victims, and then distributed equally to each one (although there are variations to this).
Product recalls don’t always include just the auto makers, but also makers of products for autos. Tires, brakes and child safety seats are a few of the products that have recently been recalled.
One of the most recent product recalls relating to tires is with Toyo Tires. Certain models of this brand have a chemical mixture that creates adverse effects when driving. Treads on certain tires have been known to tear away from the tire, which causes the driver to lose control of his or her vehicle. The results can be devastating, especially at high rates of speed.
Child safety seats
Child safety seats are an important feature for parents, as they depend on them to keep their children safe if an accident should occur. A product recall of involving a child safety seat can stir a lot of emotions with any parent. DJG or Dorel Juvenile Group is a company who manufacturers and distributes child booster and safety seats. Recently, they announced the recall of over fifty of their seats because of safety issues relating to them. The problem lies in the harness system; if it is not set in the “locked” position, then the strap can become loose. This will provide inadequate safety for a child who is placed in it, which can result in serious injury or even death if the vehicle is involved in an accident.
Product recalls can create serious problems for both drivers and passengers of vehicles that are equipped with them. If you are involved in an accident with a recalled product, the best suggestion is to call an accident attorney immediately. Find an accident attorney who is familiar with these cases, as they will help you with the legal process off recovering any financial losses that are sustained from the accident. Product recalls occur very frequently, and an accident attorney can tell you exactly what you need to do if you are involved in an accident with one. Check with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for updates and a history of products and autos that have been recalled.