To some, an estate planning lawyer is just as important as life insurance. Without them, there would be much trouble and confusion.
Having an estate planning lawyer is extremely essential,

especially if someone owns several businesses or an expensive home. By not recognizing their importance, it could leave you with a huge headache.
Imagine a woman whose mother recently passed away. On top of the fact that she is still grieving, she also has to deal with the reality that her mother's paperwork regarding her estate wasn't done properly. So, she now has to figure out how to fix the issue. Because her mother always told her never to trust attorneys, she tries to solve the problem on her own.
Before her passing, her mother owned several boutiques a well as a two-story Victorian mansion. She also made several other large investments. Although she was the only child, the necessary paperwork still had to be completed to ensure that everything was distributed properly. Until then, she would not be able to rightfully inherit any of her mother's belongings.
So, taking the advice of her mother, she went at it alone. She looked up some background information on how to become an estate planning lawyer. She even created mock tests, to see if she had retained anything she learned. After about two weeks of intense study, she decided she could use extra help.
She called one of her friends who studied law for two years while they were in college.
"Hi dear, I need some serious help," she said. "My wonderful mother didn't properly submit her paperwork regarding her estate and now I'm trying to figure out how to get things resolved."
"I'll certainly do my best," said her friend. "How about we meet up at a coffee shop or something and you bring me everything you have and I'll see what we can come up with."
So, for nearly three hours, they vigorously went through pages and pages of information. After they were complete, she went home feeling confident that she was finally prepared to submit the paperwork regarding her mother's assets.
After turning in the information, she waited for nearly a week before receiving a response. She was both excited and nervous at the same time as she tried to hold the phone steady to her ear.
"Hello ma'am, thank you so much for getting your paperwork in on time," said the person on the other end. "I can't tell you how many people we have to hound people for their information."
"Great, I'm glad to hear that," she said as some of the nervousness began to subside. "So, how does everything look?"
The receptionist on the phone let out a loud sigh.
"Well, ma'am that's kind of what I was calling you about," she said. "Although you have everything in on time, there were some things that were done incorrectly. So, I regret to inform you that we cannot process your information at this time."
After hanging up with the receptionist, she put her head in her hands as a feeling of defeat came over her. A few minutes later, she began another research venture. This time, however, she was in search of an estate planning lawyer.