Avoid Conviction; Hire A Theft Attorney
Theft in all its forms can put you behind bars, possibly for a long time. Whether you are falsely accused or not, hiring the services of a theft attorney the best step to take.
Each second that you delay getting an attorney will definitely not help your case one bit. In addition,

you should not opt to go for any attorney; you should get one who majors mostly in such cases so that you up your odds. In case you are facing charges of theft, you cannot hire just any attorney. You should make it a point to acquire the services of a theft attorney.
Let's face it: theft charges are quite serious. You might find yourself being held accountable for this act despite the fact that you did not commit any theft. You can insist and argue and rant and rave that you are innocent of any wrongdoing. However, it's not going to do much for you if it has no legal weight, which will be provided by a lawyer. If it also happens that the other side charging you with theft has a very good attorney, all the evidence that you have of your innocence will not amount to anything and you will still be convicted and be put behind bars. On the other hand, you might get lack and not sent to prison, but you may penalize with paying a huge fine. That is why you have to make sure you get a very good theft attorney on your side.
When arrested, the state will award the right to remain slight, and a chance to contact your attorney. The state will assign an attorney for you if you do not have one. The right to remain silent is very important since anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You need to understand the strength behind the last stated right. You shouldn't be free with the information until you have talked to your attorney about the facts. He or she has the expertise that will evaluate the facts and will help you when placing your statement to account for the events that transpired.
Despite any persuasion or convincing that the police will try to make you talk about the incident and give a statement, you have to assert your rights to the silence and the presence of an attorney. They are bound by law to respect your rights. You will then be able to speak with your attorney privately when he arrives. The attorney will be responsible for plotting out a defense strategy for you so you should give him all the information about the incident and about the case that could possibly impact it. A very good attorney, coupled with highly reliable evidence that proves your innocence will go a long way in proving you are not guilty of any wrongdoing, especially if you have been falsely charged. However, if accused of theft and the reality of things is that of accidental circumstances, you may need to gear up for a lengthy legal battle with the state or the prosecution.
When you are taken to court, a good theft attorney will employ all his skills and the tricks up his sleeve to deflect all the accusations of theft against you. The validity of all evidence presented against you will be tested by your attorney until such time that he establishes reasonable doubt to disclaim them. He will use legal tactics within the law when examining and cross-examining witness to provide that you are innocent. So, from the onset, practice full disclosure with your attorney and tell him all the information he needs so he will be better equipped to defend you in court.