Following a few simple pieces of advice can help you avoid a DUI charge. It could also potentially save a life.
You can't trick your way out of a DUI. Ultimately,

if you've been drinking, then you probably shouldn't be driving. However, we all make mistakes, or even just find ourselves in an inconvenient situation.
Medical consensus suggests that it takes approximately 1-2 hours for each "drink" to filter through your system. A "drink" is usually defined as a beer (12 ounces), a standard glass of wine (5-6 ounces). straight liquor (1.5 ounces), or a mixed drink containing 1.5 ounces of liquor. Keep in mind that the alcohol content may vary depending on the gravity of the beer, wine, or liquor, which may result in your blood alcohol content (BAC) staying higher longer.
While you're drinking, have a glass of water for each drink you have. This will not only lower your chances of a higher BAC but will also lessen your risk of a hangover the next morning. Alcohol dehydrates the body, making you feel thirstier, and, in turn, making you want to drink more. Water will also help with this.
Take it slow. Drinking contests can increase your alcohol consumption in a shorter period of time, keeping your body from registering the effects of the alcohol on your system. If you slow down and savor your drinks, you may find that you drink significantly less; this can save you from a hangover (and save your waistline by saving some calories).
Make your own decisions. Don't take random drinks from random people, and keep an eye on the content of your mixed drinks if you have them. Mixers and juices can mask the alcohol flavor and make you drink them faster. Mixed drinks often have more than one kind of liquor in them. This can intensify the effects of alcohol on your system, but worse, a mix of liquors can take time to kick in. Then, bam, you feel like a horse kicked you in the head.
Additionally, eating while drinking will help slow the rate at which the alcohol works its way into your system. Certain foods will absorb alcohol better and slow the process even further. Breads and carbs can help, but foods higher in protein may actually help even more. So, maybe there is a reason to have that meat lover's pizza with your beer during the game.
A very important thing to remember is not mixing pills with alcohol. Pills can intensify the effects of alcohol, meaning that your one drink that wouldn't normally register as over the limit could easily cause a higher reading on a Breathalyzer test. Breathalyzers are only able to estimate the BAC of the individual. So, it is better to be safe than sorry.
The best way to avoid a DUI is to not drive after drinking. Ask a friend to be your designated driver - a person who agrees not to drink in order to be able to drive others home. If you cannot find a designated driver, then ask someone for the number of a cab company. This may seem pricey, but it's a good alternative.
If you do find yourself dealing with a police officer, remember your rights. You can refuse a Breathalyzer. However, the police then have the right to get a warrant for either a Breathalyzer or blood test to determine BAC. If all else fails and you find yourself at the police department accused of DUI, use your one phone call wisely.