Bankruptcy Attorney - Should You File Now?
A bankruptcy attorney is the professional you need to talk to. Find out if you should file for bankruptcy or not. Consider the benefits and risks.
A bankruptcy attorney can help you to file this legal action,

which could help you to get out of debt and to have a fresh financial start. However, this is a big decision with plenty of long-term implications to consider before making this decision. Most people will find, though, that these professionals can provide you with the help and guidance you need to make this decision. He or she can help you to determine if Chapter 7 is right for you or if Chapter 13 would be a better fit. In some cases, debt settlement or consumer credit counseling may be a better option, too. The right lawyer is willing to help you to find the best solution for your needs.
Financial Decisions
To determine if you should file bankruptcy, attorney advice is often sought. Since this action will place a black mark on your record for up to 10 years, it is important to make this decision carefully. Here are a few things to consider as you make that decision.
• Are you struggling to make payments right now? If you are, ask yourself what it would take to get caught up. Can you do that within a few months? If you do not see a long term solution, filing may be a good option.
• Could you pay off what you owe within three to five years as you are doing right now? If not, it may be best to file since within that time period you could be working to improve your credit score.
• Do you have a lot of assets? Do you have a lot of equity in your home? If so, these can pose a problem. Discuss solutions with your bankruptcy attorney about protecting what you own (filing Chapter 13 can often help with this.) Most people can protect most assets.
• Are you able to make changes to your expenses and/or income in the hopes of avoiding filing? For example, if you have not considered reducing your expenses or working extra to pay down your debt, that may be the route to take first.
• Are you ready to commit to a new financial lifestyle in which you have a budget and stick with it? If you file Chapter 13, for example, you could be working to pay off your debt over three to five years.
You do not have to make this decision on your own. Work with the help of a trusted bankruptcy attorney to determine where you stand financially right now. When you find yourself unable to make a decision, give yourself some time. If the collectors are calling, tell them about what you are considering. They may offer to settle your debt for less. In most situations, though, getting a fresh start and giving yourself an opportunity to get those creditors off your back is worth filing. Find out if you qualify today.