Favorite alcoholic beverages may land a motorist in need of a DWI lawyer. Here are some things to think about.
A DWI lawyer may have to come to the aid of a partier who liked popular alcohol beverages just a little too much. Cocktails can be fancy or plain,

strong or weak. They can be slugged down out of the bottle or sipped from in a fancy glass adorned with paper umbrellas. It doesn’t matter how drinks look or what they taste like. Too many can spell trouble for a partier who plans to drive himself or herself home.
Alcoholic beverages are divided into three classifications – wine, beer and spirits. These various drinks have been a part of culture for eons. They represent celebration, rites of passage and romance. What’s a wedding without champagne? What’s a romantic anniversary without clinking wine glasses? And what’s a college graduation without a keg of beer? While it’s fine to indulge and celebrate, moderation is the key to a healthy lifestyle. And, avoiding the urge to drive is just as important.
Wines have been around for so long that they have even been written about in the Bible. Wine is usually made from grapes, but can also be made from other types of fruit. In order to turn grapes into this drink, the purple or green ovoids must be plucked from the vine, mashed and fermented. It can take months or even years to achieve the appropriate taste and alcohol content. The typical alcohol content percentage is from 9 to 16%. Favorite varieties fall into the red, white and rose’ categories. The type of grape that’s used will determine the color of the liquid. Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Burgundy are just a few popular classifications.
Beer is another popular brew. It’s made from fermented grains such as corn, wheat and barley. It is also an ancient drink and popular around the world. Two classifications of it are ale and lager. Hops are added both as preservative and taste enhancer. The alcohol content is usually relatively mild and close to 5% but can be lower or substantially higher.
Spirits are types of drinks that are made with hard liquor. These liquors are also referred to as cocktails. Of the three beverage types, spirits contains the highest alcohol content, which can average 20%. Some examples are gin, rum, vodka, tequila and whiskey. During prohibition, people made their own moonshine illegally. These liquors are not sweet and easy to drink without mixing with soda, fruit juice or sparkling water. One exception to this rule is tequila. “Shots” of tequila followed by a dose lime and salt are often enjoyed without a mixer. Examples of mixed drinks include rum and coke, margarita, daiquiri, sloe gin fizz, tequila sunrise, Harvey Wallbanger, Mai Tai and more.
New cocktail recipes are being invented all the time.
As tasty and celebratory as all these alcoholic beverages may be, it’s important not to get behind the wheel of a car after imbibing. Even one or two drinks can put a motorist over the legal blood alcohol limit and result in disastrous circumstances. If a motorist makes the mistake of driving after drinking, a call to a DWI lawyer should be made ASAP.