Car Accidents in LA County: Causes and After-Accident Reminders

Oct 10


Lala C. Ballatan

Lala C. Ballatan

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The causes of car accidents in LA County and reminders for victims


In the populous county of Los Angeles,Car Accidents in LA County: Causes and After-Accident Reminders Articles California, among the primary causes of motor vehicle accidents is negligence. Usually, the vehicle mostly involve in such accidents are cars which are usually handled by negligent drivers.


Once a driver become engaged in other activities that distracts him/her from focusing attention on the road, this is when accidents happen. Several kinds of distractions could cause a driver to lose focus on driving:


    1. talking to car passengers
    2. talking to the mobile phone
    3. playing music
    4. reading


Some of these other factors also cause catastrophic car accidents:


    1. failure to drive according to the demands of weather and road conditions (either driving too fast or too slowly)
    2. ignoring the weather conditions and traffic signals


Many road accidents can occur because of negligence. Negligence is actually an irresponsible act and not an intentional one. It is a failure to exercise caution in situations where a certain standard of care should be exercised. The same as an intentional act of causing harm, though, negligence also causes as much harm and damage, injuries and even death.


If you happen to encounter or be involved in a car accident situation, here are the following things you have to remember:


  1. Immediately call for the assistance of authorities, especially the police. Request their assistance in filing a report about the accident. You have to do this even if there have been no parties who sustained injuries.


Remember that official reports on car accident can be used for purposes of insurance claims and also determining who was liable or at fault. Make sure that the account of the accident is reported thoroughly.


Make sure too that the car accident report included interviews with the parties involved and the people who have witnessed it.


  1. If you were the one injured during the car accident, make it a point to seek medical assistance as quickly as possible. Do not let another day pass before going to a clinic for a thorough check up.


Even if at the time of the accident you have not felt any pain, make sure that you did not suffer any internal damage by having a medical professional check on your vital signs.


Aside from getting professional medical help immediately, if you have suffered injuries, you also have to avoid delay in filing for personal injury claims, wherein you need a complete medical report about the injuries you have sustained during the accident.


If you need help in establishing a valid injury claim, you have to contact a qualified car accident attorney who is based in Los Angeles and has considerable reputation in dealing with car accident claims and settlements.


A professional and well-experienced car accident attorney will also know how to handle the various complications, if any, that would arise in your case, expertly.


Mesriani Law Group has expert LA County Car Accident Attorneys and Motor vehicle accident lawyers who all have established reputation in the legal community of LA County and the state of California for handling of car and other motor vehicle accident claims and lawsuits.