Child Custody Attorneys in Bisbee Help You Protect Your Custodial Interests
When a divorcing couple has children, they must formulate a parenting plan that outlines who has visitation and/or custody, and when. If parents canno...
When a divorcing couple has children,

they must formulate a parenting plan that outlines who has visitation and/or custody, and when. If parents cannot agree on custody, either party can take the matter to court. Cases must be heard in the same court overseeing the divorce, or if parents are unmarried, the juvenile or family court in the children's home state and county. Different Types of Visitation and Custody When a parent petitions the court for custody, it is awarded in one of two ways: joint or sole. In joint arrangements, both parents have custody of the child. In sole custody arrangements, one parent has primary care and decision-making power. Custody can be physical (the day-to-day work of raising a child) or legal (decision-making on matters such as health, welfare and education). When primary custody is given, the non-custodial parent gets visitation rights, but in most states, joint custody arrangements are preferred unless the child's welfare is at risk. Custody Exchanges and Arrangements There are many ways parents can arrange visitation and custody-;they can have the children on weekends, every other week, during summer vacation, or on alternating holidays. Exchanges can be done in a predetermined place, time and manner, either after school, on the weekend, or almost anywhere else. Where there is strain in the relationship between the parents, or there's a history of domestic violence, arrangements can be made so the parents do not interact with one another. Custody Modifications When a parenting plan gets approved by the court, it can't be changed unless the parent and their Child custody attorney Bisbee request a modification. If a parent wants to move to another county or state, custody must be reevaluated before the children can move. Third Parties and Child Custody In some areas, courts consider siblings' or grandparents' interests in custody and visitation cases. If a child is abandoned, other adults may petition for custody. If grandparents, siblings and others want visitation, they must petition the court, where an award will be made if it is in the best interests of the child. Legal requirements on child custody vary by county, city and state. For help on matters in your area, a Child custody attorney Bisbee can advise you on the rules that apply to your case.