Choosing an Auto Accident Attorney for a Successful Case
It's never an easy decision to move forward with a lawsuit. A good auto accident attorney can help you get what you deserve. Here's how to find one.
It's never an easy decision to move forward with a lawsuit. Unless you are a contentious person by nature,
you may find it an act of unnecessary aggression, even if you were injured as the result of someone else's negligence. This is, in fact, the way many insurance companies and corporations want you to look at the situation. They want you to believe that filing a lawsuit is the act of a greedy individual and that you're hurting not only them by taking that step, but others as well, in the form in increased premiums and higher prices. Don't believe it for a minute. If you are entitled to compensation, you are entitled to compensation. A good auto accident attorney can help you get what you deserve. Here's how to find one.
Use Your Friends
If you know anyone who has hired an auto accident lawyer in the past, make them your first stop on your search. Attorneys rely heavily on word of mouth when it comes to effective advertising. You can't believe anything you see on a billboard or hear in a paid spot, but you can believe what your friend tells you about their experience. Plus, you have at least one example of a case in which that attorney was successful (assuming that he was). But the outcome of the case is secondary. Your case may bear little or no resemblance to that of your friend, so don't put too much emphasis on the results of a specific case.
If you have an attorney of your own for some other purpose, they may be able to refer you to an auto accident lawyer who can help with your case. Don't make the mistake of repurposing an attorney, however. Some attorneys have a good relationship with their clients and are thus who the client expects to represent them, regardless of the field. But a tax attorney isn't going to know the ropes when it comes to personal injury law. He will be perfectly capable of filing the briefs and showing up in court, but he isn't going to have the experience and knowledge it takes to be successful. Have him refer you to someone who knows the field.
Keep Your Options Open
You don't have to hire the first auto accident lawyer you meet with. Even if you take a consultation with an attorney who is chomping at the bit to get at your case, take your time and make a measured decision. You can always come back after reviewing your options.