Disallowing your Dog to become a Public Nuisance
Avoiding public nuisance case in CA because of your dog.
Have your kid been pleading you for a pet dog? Before deciding on this matter,

see the situation of your family and household first. Your kid might be ready to have a four-footed playmate, but is she or he ready of the responsibility it entails?Make considerable assessments of your situations first. Alike many other important decisions in the family, deciding on adopting a dog must be made carefully. Having a dog to adopt in the household is a vital commitment. This serious responsibility may continue for quite a long time, several years, to be a bit exact.Aside from choosing on a dog breed to adopt, introducing it into your home and learning how to take care of it properly, you must also train and discipline them.Training is a significant element in raising a healthy and happy dog. Here are several things that the dog needs to be disciplined or trained at doing: - Being housebroken – this is a foremost concern, as soon as you have introduced your puppy in its new home. Its urinating and defecating habits must be established by laying newspapers flat out on a small area, the foyer, for example.- Understanding and obeying commands – during its 6 – 8 month, most puppies could already be started into obedience lessons. Commands in basic obedience lessons are sit, stay, heel, come, and down. - Walking on a leash Training your dog is one way of disallowing your dog into being considered as a "Public Nuisance" or even menace. It is true that most dogs are even-tempered, but if it has not been properly trained, then it could cause serious repercussions. Your dog might very well bite someone with the least provocation.Disallowing your dog on becoming a public nuisance is important. If you are in the state of California, you will be covered by the California Penal Codes sections 370-373a. It stipulates that a dog owner could be liable for a crime "for allowing their dog to become a public nuisance.According to the mentioned sections of the California Penal Code, anything, which can be detrimental and interfere with the comfort and enjoyment of life and property in the community or neighborhood, is considered as public nuisance.Several emphasis and considerations are given in the other preceding sections in order to properly term and recognize public nuisance and the person who commits it. For dog owners, it is important to know about section 373a which is: "Every person who maintains, permits, or allows a public nuisance to exist upon his or her property or premises, and every person occupying or leasing the property or premises of another who maintains, permits or allows a public nuisance to exist thereon, after reasonable notice in writing from a health officer or district attorney or city attorney or prosecuting attorney to remove, discontinue or abate the same has been served upon such person, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished accordingly; and the existence of such nuisance for each and every day after the service of such notice shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense, and it is hereby made the duty of the district attorney, or the city attorney of any city the charter of which imposes the duty upon the city attorney to prosecute state misdemeanors, to prosecute all persons guilty of violating this section by continuous prosecutions until the nuisance is abated and removed."
For more information about dog bites, visit our Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers website.