Divorce Attorney: Must You Diversify Your Practice?
Having just one practice area has both positives and negatives. If you are willing to remain a solo practitioner, it should be possible to stick to only practice as a divorce attorney.
There are not that many law firms in a given area that only focus on family law. This begs the question of why this is,

and whether it is possible economically simply to practice law as a divorce attorney without being more of a general practitioner. The answer to this question is that it depends on your expectations, ambitions, and interests.
Starting out as a divorce attorney, essentially from scratch, can be possible to do profitably. This can be done both through advertising on the internet and being on a referral service that brings in a sufficient amount of business to support you, other lawyers, and perhaps some support staff. If this is the case, why do other law firms not mimic this and only practice one area of law?
The reasons are multi-fold. Perhaps most importantly, it can be difficult to grow if you only practice one type of law. For instance, it is hard to devise a mass media advertising campaign if you are not able to offer services to a wide variety of people at one time. It makes far more sense, however, to have an advertisement for a number of types of legal services (for example, personal injury, employment, bankruptcy…) and then include family law with the hope that offering many services will increase the likelihood that one of them will be of interest to the prospective clients listening to the ads.
Another reason is that practicing in only one small section of the law can eventually make being a divorce attorney not as intellectually stimulating as it should be. This can be a major problem and could even lead to professional burnout. Because of the desire to continuously learn and do new things in one’s work, it can be very important to have multiple legal fields to focus on at one time.
It should be stressed, however, that it is not absolutely necessary that you diversify in order to grow. In fact, it could be possible for you to expand geographically. When you know an enormous amount about being a divorce attorney, it should be possible to quickly and easily train other lawyers what they need to know for everyday work. When they encounter particularly difficult problems, they could rely on you to help to figure out the solutions.
However you decide to structure your practice, whether it focuses on just one area of the law or you wish to diversify, it will likely be a very personal decision that deeply reflects your interests and ambitions.
The above material is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional legal advice and should not be construed as such. Will Beaumont practices law in New Orleans, LA, and Metairie, LA.