Divorce Attorney: Naming Your Firm
There are a number of factors to take into consideration when naming your firm. Ultimately, the goal for a divorce attorney is to find a name that will help generate clients.
Choosing the name of your firm can be sort of a strange experience. In a way,

it may be that the name of the firm suggests a lot about not only yourself but the vision that you have for your firm. For instance, if you simply use your personal name this may suggest that you are and would like to remain a solo practitioner. If you choose a name that is far more generic, this could suggest that you would like the door to remain open as far as future expansion. The combination of these two may be able to provide the best of both worlds for a divorce attorney.
It was Shakespeare who asked ‘What’s in name?’ and said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A name in business, however, can help you attract more clients which could in turn contribute to helping you stay in business. Therefore, it can be important that you put some thought into some of the factors that could help you decide which name to choose. Perhaps one of the more important factors is having a name that can represent a brand. By this, it is important that your name not be so generic that your clients and potential clients are not able to identify you with the legal services that you are offering. In other words, choosing a name that has no connection with you or what it is that you do could result in your brand being hard to establish in the minds of the general public. This could be a lost opportunity.
A solution to this could be to use at least use part of your name in your law firms name so that you will be able to be identified in the community by the brand of legal services that you offer and the type of clients that you serve. One negative to this suggestion is if your name is particularly hard to pronounce or spell. This could make accessing you and your services as a divorce attorney more difficult and could, therefore, undo the efforts that you are trying to make.
But, there are other factors to consider as well. It will probably be important for you to have a website, and so you will likely need a name that is not confusing with the domain that you will select. It is possible to have the name of your divorce attorney law firm be different from that of your domain, but this should be at least something to think about and consider. Another thing to think about as you set up a law firm as a divorce attorney is whether you will exclusively practice family law. If you will, you have the option of including this practice area in which could be an added benefit as clients sometimes like the fact that all of your focus is just on one area of the law.
Regardless of the law firm name that you choose, think it over, and make sure it is one that you are comfortable with.
The above material is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional legal advice and should not be construed as such. Will Beaumont practices law in New Orleans, LA, and Metairie, LA.