Divorce Lawyer Practice: Do Not Reject Uncontested Cases
The vast majority of couples getting divorced have little to fight about. While uncontested divorce is not as profitable as some hugely lucrative contested Family Law cases, they serve a really important public interest.
Uncontested Family Law cases are simple but it can be difficult to convince a divorce lawyer to take them. The reason for this is that they can move fast,
and there is not a lot of money in the end. The positive for doing this is that they are simple and if you do enough of them they can become quite lucrative. Also, it is important to fulfill the social need many clients who are seeking to end their marriage.
One of the biggest challenges with uncontested cases is making it cost effective. If only there were a way to get before your target audience how inexpensive it can be to hire a divorce lawyer for an uncontested case, but, unfortunately, there is not. Even if you want to be inexpensive, you will have to advertise in order to let people know your services.
Advertising, however, is phenomenally expensive. In large markets, you should probably expect that each advertisement that you place will cost a lot of money. For instance, in order to be viewed monthly to around forty thousand people, this generally costs between seven to eight hundred dollars per month. These prices are largely consistent, even if publishing your message on a billboard to a local magazine. A divorce lawyer may need several of these in order to get the word out fully about their services in the community.
Internet advertising is even more expensive. You should expect to pay over a thousand dollars per month, if you expect to be rank among the top keywords in your area. If you do not live in a population dense area, you will likely find that the people in need of your services will look more to mass media rather than internet advertising.
After spending huge amounts of money to inform your target audience that you are a divorce lawyer, why would you want to do uncontested cases that are generally done for little money? The answer is that you are doing a public service and, if you do enough of them, perhaps you will find that they are worthwhile. Even though you are in business to make money, it can be hugely fulfilling to help people move on from a bad marriage even if it is not that lucrative to handle their case.
Though as a divorce lawyer you are spending a lot of money and energy to attract complicated cases, hopefully you will find that the time to take some simply uncontested. If you are able to set up a system for working with them, then you will find that they can become quite profitable. This system will likely involve you spending at least an hour to talk with the client and draft all of their paperwork. If their spouse does not contest ending the marriage, it should be possible not to require too much of your time beyond filing the paperwork in a court. (Unfortunately, some courts put extra burdens on divorcing couples making the actual legal process time consuming and expensive for the client.)
The above material is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional legal advice and should not be construed as such. Attorney William H. Beaumont practices in New Orleans, La.