DUI Attorneys: Their Tips If You Are Pulled Over
Facing an intoxicated driving charge? Here are some tips from DUI attorneys in case you are ever pulled over for drinking and driving.
It can be very scary to leave a night of having fun with your friends and see those telltale flashing lights in the rearview mirror. It is often difficult to gauge how much over the limit you may be when you get behind the wheel of a car and that is why it is always best to have a designated driver or take a taxi. That said,

if you do find yourself pulled over and facing a charge of driving under the influence, there are some tips that will help your lawyer defend you from a charge. Here are some tips from DUI attorneys.
Do not perform field sobriety tests.
Failure to perform well in field sobriety tests will only strengthen the case against you in court. On the other hand doing well will not benefit you at all. There is nothing you can say or do that will help your case. That is why they say, "anything you say can be used against you in a court of law." The officer is looking for reasons to arrest you, not reasons to let you off. When asked, graciously decline taking field sobriety tests. The relative success or failure of these lies purely in the perception and discretion of the officer and so are not evidence. You are under no obligation to perform these, and if an officer compels you to or makes you perform without consent, it can help your cause.
Take the Breathalyzer
Many states have mandatory license suspensions for people who fail to take the Breathalyzer or other blood alcohol content test. Also, this test is only a measure of BAC not physical impairment. Someone who drinks rarely will have a low BAC but a high level of impairment. Someone who drinks often will have a relatively high BAC but may not seem impaired at all. In some jurisdictions, refusal to take the Breathalyzer is equivalent to admitting guilt. Good DUI attorneys often will be able to get the test dismissed or diminished in its role in your trial, but it will definitely impact you poorly to flat out refuse. Be aware that in most states if you blow over the legal limit, you will automatically lose your license, although if it is a first offense, it will not be for as long as flat out refusing.
Call a lawyer.
DUI attorneys try many of these cases all the time and so they know all of the things to do to help diminish the penalties. They can question the legality of the suspension and request a hearing before you license gets revoked. They can also work to have evidence like the Breathalyzer and the field sobriety tests, if you took them, dismissed. If it comes to it, they will fight your case in court but often they will work to have you plead out or plead down to a lesser charge or lesser sentence.
Don’t drink and drive.
The best way to not get arrested and need look for DUI attorneys to help your case is to not drive impaired. It kills people, it ruins lives, and the least of all problems is it is expensive and damaging to get arrested.