DUI Attorneys: What They Can Do To Improve Your Chances
DUI attorneys are an invaluable part of the legal process. More often than not, a good lawyer can get certain parts of the charges dropped, can ensure that your rights are protected, and that no shenanigans were involved in bringing the charges against you. If you can afford it, good legal representation is always worth the money.
DUI attorneys are an invaluable part of the legal process. If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence,
you will likely be told that you stand little chance of winning your case and that your best bet is to simply plead guilty and accept the consequences. In some rare situations and states, this may be good advice. However, this certainly isn’t always the case. More often than not, a good lawyer can get certain parts of the charges dropped, can ensure that your rights are protected, and that no shenanigans were involved in bringing the charges against you. If you can afford it, good legal representation is always worth the money.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that a driving under the influence charge is a minor thing, like a typical traffic ticket. DUI attorneys can tell you that these charges often bring with them very serious consequences that can do nothing less than ruin a defendant’s life. It can have repercussions that range from incredible fines to the complete loss of your license for years. This, in turn, can lead to outrageous insurance hikes and even the loss of your job. In some cases, jail time may be a part of the punishment. Whether or not these punishments fit the crime is worth a discussion, but it is beyond the scope of this article. The important thing is that they do exist and unless you want to run headfirst into the worst of them, it doesn’t hurt to have good legal representation by your side.
DUI attorneys are there to help in these situations. Can you win your case and be free of all charges? Maybe, but probably not. To be perfectly honest, most cases of any kind end in conviction. However, just because you don’t stand a strong chance of acquittal doesn’t mean that hiring a lawyer isn’t worth the money. Far from it. If you can get away with probation or even the least punishment possible, you will have made a wise decision in hiring the lawyer you did. If you are a first time offender, there is a very good chance that this scenario could be possible. Having said that, most states have faced extraordinary pressure when it comes to making sure that drunk drivers are prosecuted thoroughly, so never forget that you are facing an uphill battle.
The number one thing you want to look for while shopping through DUI attorneys is experience. There is no substitute. All of the education and references in the world can’t make up for having a long career filled with taking on just these types of cases. A lawyer will learn things that can never be taught in a classroom while trying cases in a courtroom. If you are able to find a tough lawyer who has experience under his belt, you stand a much better chance of seeing a good outcome.