DUI Lawyer-Protecting your Right by Helping you Get the Justice you Deserve
Summary: A DUI lawyer represents suspects that are involved in a DUI charge by building a defense, offering advice to clients, and trying to get the case settled out of court.
If you have been charged with driving while intoxicated,

an experienced DUI lawyer can benefit your case by using their knowledge of defending others just like yourself. They will negotiate with the prosecutor to reach a plea deal or will build the best defense possible for you. If you have been charged with DUI, it is important to your freedom, livelihood, and finances to hire a reputable DUI lawyer to represent your case. Going to court on your own in order to save the cost of hiring legal representation may only result in you receiving a hefty fine and additional jail time. An experienced lawyer in your area knows all the strategies the prosecutor uses and will not become blindsided by their tactics like you may if you do not have legal representation present. The following are some benefits of hiring a DUI attorney: • Your lawyer may be able negotiate a plea deal with fewer fees owed in state fines or to the victim or and less jail time in the DUI offense • Able to locate technicalities for the suspect that could result in the case getting thrown out or charges being dropped • The lawyer can contribute to delaying the case in court until another favorable judge will preside over driving under the influence case • Usually provides contact information so the client can contact them through several communication sources such as phone, email, cellphone, at any time of the day • Has the ability to subpoena the police officers report of the DUI accident or traffic stop that happened involving the client If you use the services of an experience DUI lawyer, they may be able to have your charge expunged from your permanent driving record later on. If you are a first time offender, sometimes judges can go a little light on individuals with their first DUI conviction, and your lawyer may be able to get your charges lessened to a reckless driving offense. This will benefit you by receiving a reduced time for your license suspension, reduced fines, a dismissal before trial, and less jail time. Probably the most beneficial service a client has received through the services of a top-notch DUI lawyer is through the investigation they conduct on their case. Your lawyer may be able to uncover whether the officer who responded to your client had cause to pull the driver over, cause to conduct a DUI test, and if the test was performed properly.