DUI Lawyer: The Gravity of Facing Felony Charges
If you are facing felony charges for drunk driving, it's essential that you know what you're getting into. Any DUI lawyer will tell you that if you want to avoid the maximum penalties, you need to know the gravity of the charges you are facing.
If you're facing felony charges for drunk driving,

it's essential that you know what you're getting into. Many people in this situation make the mistake of treating their charges as they would minor traffic infractions. This couldn't be further from the truth. Since the 80s, police departments and district attorneys have gotten extremely serious about removing the blight of drunk driving from the roads. In an attempt to do so, they have ramped up penalties and made it much easier to put drivers behind bars. Any DUI lawyer will tell you that if you want to avoid the maximum penalties, you need to know the gravity of the charges you're facing.
Don't Take Chances Alone
If you're facing felony charges, you could be looking at possible jail time. Whenever you are in such a situation, hiring competent (if not excellent) legal counsel is not an option; it is a necessity. Representing yourself in a case like this is one of the most foolish things you can consider doing. Find a good DUI lawyer and make sure he is standing beside you as you go into court. While hiring an attorney does not guarantee you any results, you will stand a much better chance against your accusers if you do so.
Additional Charges
If you were caught driving drunk and this is your first offense, you will probably face lesser penalties. If this is your second or third occasion being arrested for such an offense, or if anyone else was affected by your actions (injuries, crash, etc.), you could be in for a world of trouble. Of course, many an individual who thought that because they had never been in any trouble with the law before they would be let off easy got a nasty surprise from a particularly ornery judge. The truth is that going into court is never a predictable experience. This is why you may be making a mistake if you do not hire a DUI lawyer.
License Revocation
In many states, being caught driving over the legal limit is cause for automatically suspending your license. If this is not your first offense, the judge may have the option of permanently revoking your license. Imagine the hardship this will put on your life if you're forced to go forward without the option of driving a car. In some ways, this penalty can be worse than a short jail sentence. Talk with your DUI lawyer about the possibility of this happening and what you can do to avoid it.